Search results

  1. C

    Base Camp Food

    I'll stay in camp, you guys go on hunting. (y)
  2. C

    Best way to set up the Kifaru gun bearer?

    Keeping the top strap around the forend very snug helps with keeping the rifle from moving.
  3. C

    FNG from Oklahoma

    Awesome ! You'll like it here, great place .
  4. C

    Sold Over $1200 of Kifaru Gear for Sale

    Be interested in the k clip straps and water bottle holder if you split . Thanks Chris
  5. C

    Best way to set up the Kifaru gun bearer?

    Took me several trips with a lot of adjustment to get it right . Once I got it right I personally find it superior to any other method . Some guys are never comfortable with it .
  6. C

    WTS Reloading Items for sale

    I'll take both priming tools . Pm to follow.
  7. C

    Thinking of tossing my shoulder mounts….

    My point of view also. Very well said.
  8. C

    Colorado 2nd rifle OTC public land bull

    That's an awesome bull. Way to go !
  9. C

    WTS/WTT Stone Glacier pack Set-up

    I'll take the frame.
  10. C

    Shotgun loads for coyote?

    Buckshot usually works better with a more open choke , improved cylinder or modified. See what's best with your gun and particular load .
  11. C

    Shotgun loads for coyote?

    Hornady #4 buckshot through a improved or modified choke depending on how your gun patterns rhem . I wouldn't recommend the #6s .
  12. C

    Sold Tethrd Phantom Saddle

    Size ?
  13. C

    KS Draw 2023

  14. C

    Sold Kestrel Mountain Caper and Mountain Scalpel

    I'll take the mountain scalpel . Pm to follow.
  15. C

    .22/.22 Mag Rifles

    Ruger All Weather varmint/target .22 magnum with a Leupy 4.5 -14 scope . Winchester 45 gr. Subsonic hollow points for squirrels. It's awesome !
  16. C

    FNG from Oklahoma

    Welcome , where in Oklahoma ? I'm just north of Tulsa .
  17. C

    WTS Lowa Ticam II size 9

    Pm sent
  18. C

    Aspen Area and Gunnison to Montrose Corridor - likely for wolf release

    Wow , no kidding ! When that happens and the rich folks dogs get eaten the sh$t will hit the fan .