The easiest way (and best value) to make/keep the gun light is to purchase a light scope, since you need one anyways. Trijicon Credo 2.5-15x 42mm at 23oz is probably the best mix of value, features, and durability.
Being a new reloader, I'm pleasantly surprised with Staball 6.5's velocity and low ES and SD (by my standards) in my 20" barrel 300 WSM:
175 LRX, FED GM210 primer, and nearly full case achieved 2,959 fps, SD 13, ES 38 and no pressure signs for 5 rounds. Loaded another 5 with light crimp and hit...
The case body is definitely getting sized and fits in my rifle chamber and Wilson chamber gauge. I cleaned the die and ran a couple 2x fired cases, bumping them to 1.772 which should chamber, but definitely don't. The shoulder is being "rounded" by the die, losing the fire-formed flat shoulder...
Hornady Custom full length with expander ball removed and #35 shellholder. The case is completely inside the die body with the press ram cammed up, so the body is resized within a few thousands of the bottom of the case head. With no cartridge in, the shellholder hits the bottom of the die right...
Base to shoulder measured with Hornady comparator. I've also measured total cartridge lengths and I'm still 0.005-0.0015 under SAAMI max 2.100 and well below the measured max trim for my rifle of 2.123," so that eliminates trim length as the chambering issue. I've measured 20+ fired cartridges a...
I'm having a similar issue of rounds not chambering in my 300 WSM, but to a larger magnitude. I have to full length resize rounds with 0.010 shoulder bump to get them to chamber with a couple thou clearance. This means I'm having to excessively resize my brass. For example, can take a once-fired...
Concur on the gauges, or at least very careful measuring using new brass, scotch tape, and quality calipers to test your headspace clearance. I had a Tikka WM barrel headspace normally, then a Tikka WSM barrel with tight headspace on the same action.
Pretty much. I used a torque wrench maxed out at 75 ft-lbs, then my 20" breaker bar for a little more "oomph" using both hands on the horizontal breaker to get 90-100ish ft-lbs. For practical context, that's more than my Subaru lug nuts at 75 ft-lbs and closer to the 98-ft-lbs for my Frontier...
I'm about 20 years short of qualified for this sub-forum, but I do wear knee braces when hiking because my knees are prone to bursitis/irritation because of patella alta (high patella). My knees act functionally much older than they are, so I hope can provide some insight from nearly 30 years of...
I found a Sinclair Chamber Length Guage in 308 on Ebay for ~14 shipped. Measured my Tikka 300 WSM chamber with the Sinclair Chamber Length Gauge and got 2.137", which is 0.037" over the SAAMI spec of 2.100 and recommended trim of 2.080. I won't be trimming for a loooooong time given my long...
Probably not a huge deal because 338 Winmag isn't a "huge" magnum and surprisingly only has a case volume of 86 gr of water versus 91 for 300 winmag. 86 gr minus bullet volume leaves room for 73ish grains of powder at max based on a quick glance at load data. It appears that 338 WM generates...
As a counterpoint- I just put a 300 WSM barrel on my T3X, torqued to about 90 ft-lbs and the headspace is slightly short, with about 0.002" clearance for factory Federal ammo (bolt won't close with 2 layers of scotch tape on back of cartridge). Torquing further would only further shrink my...
Good point, a quick ballistics app calculation shows 0.15" difference at 100 yds for 300 WSM 165 gr TTSX at 2,900 and 3,000 fps. That means a potentially 0.3" group radius increase which would be lost in the noise for most reloaders such as myself.
Here's my 20" WSM Tikka with Banish Backcountry that I just assembled. The portability is awesome and the weight is reasonable at 8.75 lbs (minus sling and bullets). It's a little barrel-heavy with the can, but it's not overwhelming, and not noticeable when shooting off sandbags. I've only shot...
I'm curious what your load density/case fill is with the bullet seated that deep and if that was a contributor to the tight grouping. My understanding is that velocity SD is minimized by having a case near 100% capacity, and a consistent velocity leads to less dispersion and smaller group size...
Is the idea here that the bullet would be maximally supported along the bearing surface while providing more powder capacity than if the bullet was seated beneath the neck/shoulder? I'm trying to envision whether the pressure generated by the powder has a different effect on a bullet protruding...
I just shot my WSM with a 6-port brake (similar size brake as on this gun) for the first time this weekend and can confirm that recoil is < 30-06 which is the caliber I've shot for years. I'd say it's similar to 7mm-08 which I have shot a few times.