Search results

  1. K

    FS: Big Agnes Insulated Double Z Reg.

    Used a couple times last fall. No leaks. Reason for selling is in going back to a rectangle. $70 TYD lower 48
  2. K

    First Bear!!

    Congrats. Beautiful country.
  3. K

    BC bear hunting poll

    There is a poll link at the bottom of this article. Push to ban grizzly bear trophy hunt in BC A coalition of animal protection activists, environmentalists and tourism operators are demanding that grizzly bear trophy hunting be shut down in B.C. They want the B.C. government to ban trophy...
  4. K

    My First Archery Elk

    Fatty bull. Congrats man!
  5. K

    Great spot and stalk to 27 yards

    Nice looking bull. I don't think I could pass him up.
  6. K

    My wife drew the WA observatory quality elk tag for archery!!!

    Looks like you have some great areas dialed in.
  7. K

    First elk

  8. K

    B.C. goat

    Great looking country and nice goat.
  9. K

    Kifaru lead times

    Found out my order delivery time is skewed. I have a shelter on there and the lead time on that is 8 weeks, Backpacks are around 2-4 weeks.
  10. K

    Kifaru lead times

    Im definitely not complaining. I have had a great experience with Kifaru, I called them probably 3-4 times before I finally ordered and have talked to them since the order and they helped me out with a couple questions. Looking back I should have ordered right when I thought about it instead of...
  11. K

    Kifaru lead times

    Wow... 8 weeks. That's painful but it serves me right for waiting so long to order.
  12. K

    Kifaru lead times

    Looking at my order it shows a requested ship date of 9/28/16... I didn't request that date, is it the expected delivery date?
  13. K

    First Lite's 2016 Rain Gear Review, by Matt Wymer (and win your own!!)

    I'm a little behind 50... But Washington Elk, Mule Deer, Mountain Goat, Grouse, and Steelhead.
  14. K

    FS: Kifaru Sawtooth w/ stove

    Sweet setup to bad your getting rid of it.
  15. K

    Mosquitos in a floorless/screenless shelter

    Thanks for the info guys. Ill be ordering the sawtooth next week. I was up in the central cascades this weekend and the bugs weren't to bad but not being able to standup in the shelter was driving me nuts. Im looking forward to the change.
  16. K

    Mosquitos in a floorless/screenless shelter

    I am wondering how guys that camp out of a floorless shelter handle mosquitos. If the shelter is staked down close to or on the ground do they still come in? Or do you use a repellant to keep them out? I normally camp in a MRS Hubba Hubba and keep the mosquito net up in the tent until the...
  17. K

    EXO 2000 bag on Kifaru UL Duplex

    What size frame did you mount it on?
  18. K

    Bear hunting over gut piles

    How is it technically illegal? In Washington where near baiting is illegal rcw 77.15.245 (d) talks about exposing, disturbed, placed.... If we don't place, intentionally disturb or expose gut piles you can hunt over them.
  19. K

    WTB: First lite Uncompahgre Vest and Jacket

    I'm 6'1" 200. I wish a medium would fit.
  20. K

    WTB: First lite Uncompahgre Vest and Jacket

    Looking to pick up a vest and jacket in L in brown, fusion, maybe asat. In good to excellent condition. Let me know what you have.