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  1. C

    N. Idaho Sandpoint Area Fires

    Sprinkling this morning. Come on heavy rains.
  2. C

    Ranchers are tough bastids

    Gone 2 days without anyone looking for him ????? If he was helping me as the neighbor I would have gone looking in a couple hours not days.
  3. C

    WTB Seeking Free Advice Please

    Not that far from AZ to NM. Drive over and do it face to face. Then you know for sure
  4. C

    Where is the Ammo Really Going?

    I think that people believe that if SHT ammo could replace the dollar in currency. And if people start wondering where their next meal is coming from start venturing forth looking for one, it will be pretty handing to protect your own meal.
  5. C

    Can you quit ?

    I quit 24 years ago after a can a day habit for almost 30 years. Myself and my Dad and a hunting buddy were going down the highway heading to elk camp. I rolled down my window and through a roll of copenhagen out in the bar ditch. I had a child due in January and decided I wanted to be around...
  6. C

    Going back to work after retirement.

    Yeah I have looked at some volunteer stuff but covid has affected a bunch of it. I think I just needed to whine a bit. I am still in business but only have to actually put in a couple hours a week to keep it running. Big change from 6 am till whenever dark thirty 6 or 7 days a week.
  7. C

    Going back to work after retirement.

    I've been the asshole for almost 30 years. I have responsible for making a living for multiple people for most of my life as in employees. I have been hunting or fishing or running a trapline or hiking whatever I can do to stay busy. But I can tell that my current attitude is uncomfortable...
  8. C

    Going back to work after retirement.

    Anyone go back to work after retirement ? I am 55 and been retired a couple years. I don't need to go back for the money but maybe my mental health.
  9. C

    WTS/WTT 338 Win ammo 44-40 Ammo

    last time up.
  10. C

    WTS/WTT 338 Win ammo 44-40 Ammo

    $ 65.00 A Box shipped on 338 $ 38.00 A Box shipped on 44-40
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    WTS/WTT 338 Win ammo 44-40 Ammo

  12. C

    Recourse for undisclosed issues in home purchase?

    I can tell you from first hand experience that the only one who comes out in these things are the lawyers. If you go to civil court and get a judgement it is still almost impossible to collect. My advice is to add a circulatory system in and just keep the water moving. He knew ahead of selling...
  13. C

    Concerns flying with guns under todays political climate

    It won't matter because the way things are going you won't flying anywhere. We are supposed to be flying to Mexico next week to go deer hunting. As of yesterday it looks like it won't happen. Border is closed
  14. C

    chainsaw for lots of small tree removal...???

    Man if I were you I would not even mess with a chain saw for lane clearing. Go rent a skid steer with a brush mower on it. Best thing I ever bought. Mine is rated up to 7 inch trees. You could clear everything in a couple hours. Plus it mulches the stuff up so breaks down into fertilizer...
  15. C

    States with low allergies-I’m dying

    You would probably die up here when the pine trees burst. Everyone and everything suffers from it. Yellow coats your house and vehicles. Yellow snot for weeks,
  16. C

    Most expensive piece of gear you've lost on a hunt?

    My wedding ring while gutting a deer. Finished cleaning him out and stood up a flung my hands to sling the blood off and my ring went flying down the side of the mountain too. My wife watched the whole thing happen. She has pretty good hearing because she heard it hit a rock about a 100 feet...
  17. C

    2021 Goals/Resolution

    How do you like Duolingo so far ?
  18. C

    Living in Idaho Recommendations

    All I can add is that it keeps getting more and more expensive to buy here,
  19. C

    when you get "that call"

    Yep in Sept of 2018. Jim was the best hunting partner I could have every asked for.