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  1. L

    vacuum sealer uses beyond Meat processing/Storage....?

    same as above i also do a 6'x6' piece of plastic to use to layout meat on to keep clean or to field dress on. an emergency kit depending on where you are hunting (space blanket, fire tender/starter, lighter, matches maybe a small flashlight) seasonings used for summer sausage, if i dont use it...
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    Western NC Hunting

    Go door knocking. I get lots of no but do get some yes. I'm hunting right at 800 acres in Person county from knocking on doors and being friendly with people, but it's a haul of a drive from wnc and getting harder to get down there. Currently trying to find more properties closer to home. My...
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    A question of ethics? ....conscience?

    As someone who has done the market garden before and farmers market. I'd gladly sell at wholesale prices to NOT have to go and deal with the farmers market. Also most farmers markets are now requiring you to grow what you sale because there was a ton of people buying everything at wholesale and...
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    Looking to Move to Western NC or SW VA - Need Advice

    Don't live in asheville it's a shit hole. The good thing is about 30 minutes in any directions is still "country", but is growing up fast. I live close to @Lowg08 and head into asheville everyday to work. If I were you I'd just plan lots of family trips to see your kids and hunt public there. NC...
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    300wsm vs 7prc vs 7rem mag?

    If you want to change the chassis or stock so bad. Buy a bergara barreled action and whatever rem700 stock you want No one is going to be making aftermarket stocks for the 400-600 dollar guns. Most people buying those guns aren't looking to spend another 3-400 on a different stock.
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    Mountain Whitetail Kill Kit

    This is the truth. I hunted some public and was probably 150-200 yards from the truck and shot one that morning cut it up and carried it out. That afternoon I shot another one and figured I'd drag it to the truck and clean it at my buddies under a street light after dragging it I decided it...
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    Really big black bear from eastern North Carolina. 780 lbs worth.

    We were down east swan hunting when that bear was killed. The guide also runs bear hunts. We asked how much stuff he puts out. 40 tons of peanuts per year. Not to mention the soybeans, corn, peanuts.
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    Bergara .308 accuracy

    Guess I got lucky with my .270. I shoot federal terminal ascent 136 grain. And it is .5moa so I never tried anything else.
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    WTB 20 gauge Over/Under Shotgun

    Damn thats a no Brainer. I might order one and just bought a sharptail Monday
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    WTB 20 gauge Over/Under Shotgun

    Shoot you just saved me a 100 dollars just picked up a sharptail and didn't know it had a rebate
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    Mountain Whitetail Kill Kit

    I'll be honest at a mile to mile and a half I'm probably carrying a stand and sticks. If I kill at that distance I'm going back to the truck dropping everything off. And going back in with a mini gambrel and a mini block. A knife and game bags. It takes a little more time and walking but your...
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    Processing meat after frozen

    You can get one for around 100 Dollars. It will just be slower than a more expensive one and you may have to let it cool down some if your doing a big batch of vacuum sealing. Getting good vacuum sealer bags is very important
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    Processing meat after frozen

    Depending on where I'm hunting I will quarter it out leaving bone in and I have a fridge in my shop I will put it in to age. Once I let it age I cut all my roasts and do all my trimming. Usually take 1-1.5 hrs to get everything cleaned up really good (guy that showed me how to cut up a deer told...
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    Processing meat after frozen

    yep wife kept meat in the grinder during first grind and second grind she was weighing and bagging the meat i think that alone probably saved me an hour.
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    Processing meat after frozen

    having a bigger grinder and a helping hand helps. we do 60 lbs of ground in about 2.5 hrs including vacuum sealing it.
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    Choosing a Dog

    We've got French Brittany's small compact dogs. That go everywhere we go and are small for an upland dog 22-28 lbs. Like others have said Breed isn't as important as finding a good breeder. Ask for hip scores and health certificates of BOTH parents. Also most breeders are going to trail their...
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    CZ Drake All Terrain feedback

    I looked at the cz drake and then I held the instinct then the instinct sl. The weight difference was.... well alot. If your not dead set on another o/u and want to use the cz rebate I'd also take a look at the 720 or 712. (Note sure if they are still made) I recently got a 720 and it's a...
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    Processing meat after frozen

    Summer sausage I made in September had been frozen was almost a year. Stuff I just did was 1.5 months and 2 weeks.
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    Essential upland bird gear for under $30 meateater also has a dog trama kit that i think is a better kit but double your budget. this one is cheap enough to get and add what is needed over time.
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    Processing meat after frozen

    I do this for burger or any thing that requires grinding. I'll cut up my deer into around 2" cubes and pack into 10lb packs and freeze. I'll get 4-5 packs before I setup and grind it all at once. I dont fully thaw the meat just get it enough to break up and feed through the grinder. I'll save a...