I can say that the economic impact is really starting to hit the middle class and upper middle class and it is definitely adjusting some attitudes. My mother who is a raging far left liberal suffering from a severe case of TDS had a whole different attitude yesterday evening on the phone. She’s...
Suits me fine if they go tits up. They made their beds now they can lay in them. If they go bankrupt the brands and designs will be auctioned off and someone else will fill the market. Maybe they’ll invest in US manufacturing. I had most of my hunting clothes stolen out of my truck last night so...
Much of the offshored manufacturing will never come back but all of it can be moved out of China and should be. Mexico has its problems for sure but there’s plenty of options if corporate America is forced to use those options.
Apparently they weren’t down that much because I didn’t draw a combo license. I’ll put in for the alternate list and cross my fingers. I’m really bummed out. I had my hopes up because of the virus but I guess not :(
I know a bit about Jeb! And Little Marco from living in Tallahassee while they were there. Corrupt sleaze ! I absolutely loved the way Trump ridiculed and dismissed them and the rest of the field. I gave money and for the first time in my life I happily voted FOR a candidate instead of against...
I’m in Florida and the castle doctrine includes the yard and we have stand your ground which means you have no obligation to retreat. If you break into my home it’s almost certain death. Your intention to commit crime is already established and to what level you are and intending to take it to...
I was the last customer for a waitress the day the restaurant she worked at closed and laid her off. I’ve eaten there for years and had come to know her and the rest of the crew by name. She sat with me that afternoon and she broke down and cried. Didn’t know what she was going to do. It broke...
Actually with Brazil and Sweden not shutting down we will have some data to compare. They’re not going to be completely comparable but they’re two very different societies on different ends of the economic development scales.
I went to my favorite restaurants right until they were forced to close. I’d be going and sitting down in them today if they were open. I suspect that my two favorite restaurants will never reopen. Makes me sad for the owners , employees , and myself.
Brazil and Sweden have not locked down their economies and are experiencing about the same level of disease impacts but not the economic devastation. Two very different societies.
Very soon the backlash against the lockdown will blow. People will hit the economic panick button as the reality of how few actually need hospitalization and even fewer die but they’re going to lose everything they’ve worked for their whole life. It’s too late to save the world from depression...