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  1. jwatts

    WY Antelope Draw results

    Seems pretty consistent. The doe tags were cut a lot from last year, 160 tags vs 594.
  2. jwatts

    Wyoming Antelope Unit 25

    I sent you a PM
  3. jwatts

    Best beer in your state

    In Mississippi, you'll find it hard to beat Southern Pecan by Lazy Magnolia Brewing. Natchez Brewing Company's Bluff City Blonde is pretty good too.
  4. jwatts

    WY Antelope Draw results

    I saw that. I was surprised by the amount of points people dumped this year on some of those units.
  5. jwatts

    WY Antelope Draw results

    Thanks. This was our 2nd attempt at unit 73. We drew on the regular at just over 5 points
  6. jwatts

    WY Antelope Draw results

    We drew 73 buck tags, All 3 of us struck out on our 73 doe tags.
  7. jwatts

    WTB Youth camo/boots

    I'm in the same boat with my son. There are very few clothing items that carry over from one season to the next because of how fast he is growing. Take a look at Sierra Trading Post. I was able to pick him up a pair of hiking boots for $29 last week. I'm hoping they'll make it through the end of...
  8. jwatts

    Cancellation Sheep Wanted

    Revelation Mountain Outfitters were advertising a cancellation Dall hunt on Facebook yesterday.
  9. jwatts

    WY Walk In Area access question

    Thanks. I'll check back in July.
  10. jwatts

    WY Walk In Area access question

    All I have found are generic rules, nothing specific to each area. I swore that I found individual regs a few years back, but that may have been for Montana.
  11. jwatts

    WY Walk In Area access question

    We're looking at an antelope unit in WY that we should draw this year. It has a good bit of BLM and state land. There are also several WIHAs in the unit. Some of these seem to have multiple places where they touch other public land, or touch public roads. I cannot find any information on what is...
  12. jwatts

    Dall sheep outfitters ?

    I had a great time. Here's a thread I posted on the hunt
  13. jwatts

    Dall sheep outfitters ?

    Matt (Alaska Hunting Adventures) has OTC units he hunts as well. If you apply for Tok, and don't draw, you'll hunt the OTC unit. If you do draw Tok, you'll hunt it. I hunted with them last year. I didn't draw the Tok tag, so I hunted the OTC unit.
  14. jwatts

    Aubrey's First Sheep Hunt, By Kyle Virgin

    Great writeup Kyle. Talk about a heck of a hunt.
  15. jwatts

    Dall sheep outfitters ?

    Another vote for Matt and Alaska Hunting Adventures. They're a top notch outfit.
  16. jwatts

    How to find a Wyoming trespass fee landowner

    If you go to the WY hunt planner map for antelope, you can drill down to the unit and look at the details. Some of them have landowners listed. Go to the map Click your unit. You'll get a popup. Select More Info. That brings up a...
  17. jwatts

    Camping near Wolf Creek pass, Co

    And don't smash into the feed store at the bottom of the hill.
  18. jwatts

    Western Fitness

    The one and only reason I started exercising was for hunting out west. I've gone through highs and lows of physical fitness over the past 7 or 8 years. Too much cardio without a weight program will get you a heck of a cardio base, but no strength to get you up the hills. Too much weight work...
  19. jwatts

    Best way to fly with meat, cape and head from alaska dall sheep hunt

    I went on a dall hunt this past August. I had a few days between coming off the mountain and flying home. I deboned the meat, separated it just as if I were going to vacuum seal it, and froze it in portions in ziploc bags. A lot of hotels in Anchorage have walk in freezers. The airport has a few...
  20. jwatts

    Late season freezer filling opportunities?

    A lot of seasons down south are just getting started good. I'm in Mississippi. Our firearms season for deer starts in 2 weeks. We have some sort of deer season going from 10/1 through 2/15. Most areas give opportunities for pigs as well. We have a 3 buck, 5 doe limit on deer and no limit on...