I have the mesh double rainbow. Only time its been an issue was in a wind storm next to a burn area. The mesh being that low to the ground created a filter for the powder dust. When I woke up everything was covered in powder.
Do yourself a favor and throw a set of sheepfeet in. I run a set with my Danner's and its fantastic. Especially on accidents or long scenes when standing around for hours.
Used Katadyn Hiker Pro filter. It has been used. Filter that is in it hasn't had water through it. Dried and stored after each trip.. Box, bag, all original and included. Scratches on bottom from use.
I would leave the liner out. You'll get tangled up and adds weight. You will already have a set of base layers in your bag. Wear those to bed in a bag rated for the temperature range you'll encounter. Waking up warm and going to bed warm is the benefit of the stove. The middle of the night is...
Im on my first pair of them. I used the 980s prior. Tall boot is all I know. Dont know that I could wear a shorter one. Only issue I've had is if I put my sheepfeet in them I get heel rub. Never got a blister in my 980s. These I tape my feet if im doing anything over 8mi to prevent issues. I...
After watching this forum and kifaru insider page on fb here is my two cents.
Kifaru owners change bags more than they change their underwear.
Buy the accessories, Sherman, gun barer, pockets, lid, in a color that compliments the bag and frame.
Don't get hung up on a bag because a new one will...
Sighted in my Adirondack and the only round it will stack is 168 barns vor-tex.
Does anyone have some laying around they want to part with? Or other 168gr polymer tip rounds.