I'll add to what the others have said. Don't go anywhere up there without a chain saw. A slight breeze and the road is blocked. Easy to find videos on YouTube prove this very point. You won't always have a group in a dually truck to snap trees off and open the road.
I had a pair of zamberlan that did the same thing. If I was doing anything longer than a few miles I would run liners. That solved the issue till I wore them out.
I'll post it on fb and see if anyone knows. Horrible feeling. Lost a horse on table mt years ago. Three days to find that damn thing. The mountain gets HUGE when you loose something.
If you are able to avoid the ag fields they pattern easier, especially when it's hot. I find the antelope to find the water. Once water is located look for deep draws with wyoming big sage. Hardest deer to hunt without a doubt. Arguably the biggest bucks in my state.