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    2024 Best Wild Sheep Hunt Photo Contest, by Stone Glacier

    Finally getting a chance to submit my photo. My NWT ram 2024. Ill do a write up when I can!
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    United health insurance

    As a doctor, I absolutely loathe United. Lots of lawsuits across the country for them not paying up on their end of the contract. They use AI to auto deny a certain percentage of claims (class action suit going on right now)...
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    Klamath River Dam Removal

    Salmon runs are being decimated in Alaska as well, a place with no dams. Why do we think this would accomplish the goal of bringing salmon back? I’m very concerned about irrigation and energy production if dams are removed
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    Gohunt store shipping

    they accidentally sent me a partial order once but fixed it very quickly and even sent me a gift card with the corrected order. Every other time I have ordered from them, it has been smooth and quick.
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    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    Red for me and my boys dang it. Can’t complain too much as I’ve drawn 2 oryx tags as a NR. But I was sure I was going to draw the sheep tag…
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    Idaho sheep draw question

    This is correct. Also, there isn’t any unit that a NR couldn’t apply for and draw which is different from some states.
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    Taxidermist for Mountain Lion in Idaho or close?

    Scheirmeier taxidermy in twin falls does awesome cats.
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    Washington CaliforniaBighorn

    Nice ram!
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    DIY Colorado Ram

    Nice write up. GreaT ram too!
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    Alaska Sheep 2023

    Congrats. Nice ram!
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    Montana Breaks Bighorn hunt

    Good job man. Many congrats!
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    First Desert Sheep UT

    Awesome ram!
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    out of the <1 club :)

    Awesome write up! Super congrats!
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    Stone Sheep Hunt Success

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    Best Spices/Field Recipes for loins and backstrap

    1oz olive oil packs. Smear that on and then sprinkle on the Montreal steak seasoning or grunt rub.
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    Unfilled Tag on Guided Sheep Hunt

    Out of my dad, brother and me over past few years we’ve been on stone and dall hunts in CA. Stone sheep hunt, I shot mine on day 8 and my brother on day 12. My dad didn’t get one. It was a very difficult hunt with weather being the main factor. We had snow/rain/fog for 11 out of the 14 days...
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    My 2020(2022) NWT Sheep hunt finally happened. Ram of a lifetime

    Awesome ram! Wish I could Be up in NwT this year
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    NWT success

    Man I wish I was going again this year. I actually went w ARRO. Fantastic trip!
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    Sheep Hunt in the Russian Far East

    Thanks for the write-up. That looks awesome!
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    Kamchatka Snow Sheep Back From the Taxidermist

    Thanks for the detailed reply! Beautiful sheep and mount. Looking forward to reading the write-up you linked!