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  1. Alaskan89

    Going it old school

    Those are very underrated bino's, i've been using mine for over 20 years and they are still just as clear as the day I bought them.
  2. Alaskan89

    Night Force TS-80 eye piece

    Anyone have one of these and notice their eye piece having some play in it? I was using mine on a moose/sheep hunt and noticed that mine had some slop in it, still worked but I was worried it might fog up inside. Contacted Night Force today and I am sending it back to have them look at it, just...
  3. Alaskan89

    2021 moose

    We hunted the last 5 days of the season, bulls were spotted every day but nothing that was legal. Went to one of my favorite glassing spots and found a legal bull in about 30 minutes of glassing, partner got within 50 yards of him in the brush but only had a head shot and chose not to shoot...
  4. Alaskan89

    Going it old school

    Well, nothing good to report, the weather was total crap for 5 days so I turned my attention to moose instead.
  5. Alaskan89

    Went to Alaska - Tag punched in day 1

    If I had to wager a guess in spread, guessing around 64”. Congrats on the bull and your right, packing them out is not for the faint of heart. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Alaskan89

    Going it old school

    The day is finally here for the long drive to the DCUA, 5 hours by truck and 1 1/2 hours by sxs but it will be well worth it. See you all in 10 days(hopefully sooner). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Alaskan89

    If you could hunt any...

    A pack of velociraptors with a mini-gun, wouldn't stand a chance otherwise. That would be epic.
  8. Alaskan89

    Going it old school

    Just got word of a 40+" er taken out of the DCUA, I'm starting to get the bug and Friday can't get here soon enough.
  9. Alaskan89

    Alaska / Canada guys - Ammo availability question

    Only problem with that is you can't legally ship ammo to Alaska, otherwise we wouldn't have this ammo shortage problem. I've been checking the stores almost daily and ammo is very scarce, 300 WM is non-existent and I was lucky to find a box of 270 a few weeks ago. Forget about Cabela's or Bass...
  10. Alaskan89

    How far away was your moose when you shot it?

    I’ve shot a pile of moose over the years and have never killed one more than about 150 yards and most have been under 50. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Alaskan89

    Down confusion

    Once down is wet you'll play hell trying to dry it, especially on a sheep hunt, if you can keep it dry and feel confident that it won't get wet then by all means, use it. Me personally, I would rather sacrifice a few pounds and bring a synthetic bag, if it gets wet you can still sleep in it...
  12. Alaskan89

    WIN FREE GEAR Giveaway

    Dall sheep or caribou.
  13. Alaskan89

    Who served and when?

    USAF 1979-1999 and currently work with the USAF as a civilian 2A6X6 technician on the C-17.
  14. Alaskan89

    Drop camp

    Definitely get a head net, the no-seeums and white socks are absolutely horrible when you get a caribou on the ground. I shot a nice bull years ago on a walk-in hunt off the Haul road and didn't bring one and I ended up using a piece of a game bag as a head net. They are ferocious little buggers.
  15. Alaskan89

    ‘21 Sheep Meatpole

    Haven't gone yet, leave on the 10th.
  16. Alaskan89


    Yeah, that's where myself and a couple of my buddies moose hunt every year. It will be base camp for my upcoming sheep hunt.
  17. Alaskan89

    Well…. I just ordered some gear

    Breathable is fine in light rain and when you're not tromping through wet brush, that's where the Impertech comes in handy.
  18. Alaskan89

    ‘21 Sheep Meatpole

    I had to push it back, my hunting partner had to bail due to someone he works with being exposed to Covid, I am headed out on the 10th and back on the 21st.
  19. Alaskan89

    Well…. I just ordered some gear

    I'm betting you'll get very warm in those chest waders and Impertech jacket, if you must do waders I'd do hip boots instead and an Impertech guide coat. I use to wear that setup but I sweat too much in waders so I went to a waterproof knee high boot and Impertech Guide jacket for when it's...
  20. Alaskan89


    It won't last, it never does. Back in the very early 90's we got almost 3 feet on Sept 3rd and within 2 days it was all gone. This pic was taken on Aug 29th of 2015 and it was all gone by the 31st.