Can’t remember where I got this pic but here’s a couple of nice racks.
My buddies bull from 2021 that he mounted himself.
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Crazy brow tines on that bull, what did he tape out at and how did you like that Kork? Did you plan this hunt through Larry B? Looking forward to part 2 of the video!
What do you guys do when someone builds a plywood shack, then puts up 3 tents to lock up an area so no one else can hunt there? Curios as to how you all would handle this situation. This is on state land.
I think you're fully capable to pull of this hunt but we all know who wins this battle and I think you do too.
Now with that being said, if you go guided and do run into a grizz, you'll be able to shoot it since you're being guided. That's the only plus I see going on a guided caribou hunt,
The body they thought was his were not human remains, unfortunately.
We had crap weather in our area that isn't that far from where you were, we had basically 1 nice day of weather and the rest were either, rain, high winds, snow or a combination of them. You made the best of the time you had and were successful on your hunt, congrats to you guys for making it...
I was hell bent on buying a Swaro simply because of their incredible customer service but with all the excellent reviews here of the Kowas I was curious how they would stand up to Swaro's CS. The folks at Kowa told me that they will take my 774 spotter in for cleaning, inspection and repair...
I've only heard of 1 taken in this area so far. I know the ram counts are low, I had this tag last year and didn't even see a ram and I found remnants of a small sheep (probably a lamb) in a huge slide area that I assume was buried in an avalanche the winter prior. I was in this area at the end...
There is a section in DS204 that I've been hunting for over 25 years, have taken 2 rams out of there and a pile of moose. I know of 1 ram that was taken (36") so far this year in this area plus there is 1 less grizzly bear in there as well. Me and a buddy are headed there tomorrow morning, will...
We're headed your way on Tuesday Vern for10 glorious days in one of my all time favorite hunting locales. Have you heard any good reports on the sheep population in the DCUA?
I bought this last year to go with my NightForce TS 80 spotter but sold the scope this past spring and it doesn’t fit my new scope. I used the adapter for about 6-7 days and it’s like brand new. Here is the info from the Phone Skope website:
This adapter will fit the new Vortex Razor HD...