I think people tend to mock what they don't understand. Stem cell treatments are a big thing amongst professional athletes in the US, and much more understood and accepted in the EU & UK.
Big pharma & insurance have WAY to much power & control in the US.
I've been wearing SKRE for the past few seasons. I've been pleased with the performance of the clothing in a variety of conditions; balmy 60 degrees to single digits with windchill below zero. Durability has been excellent, as is the fit and function. Most of my gear was purchased before the...
I have KUIU, Sitka, and SKRE clothing. SKRE seems to fit (me) the best and is a bit less expensive than the other brands. It's also functional & durable.
We gave two GSP's in the 60 lb range. They would fit fine in the medium Gunner kennels, but we went with the intermediate size. Gunner lists the measurements and makes recommendations on what size to get.
The kennels are very nice, but as mentioned a bit heavy.
I'd opt for a rower, but make sure you use proper form. A rower will give you a pretty good, almost full-body workout.
I like air rowers, but they are noisy. A magnetic rower is much more quiet if worried about disturbing others.
I keep a tub of Garden of Life Super Greens around for the days I don't get enough veggies... can't say I've really noticed a difference taking it though. Most supplements seem over rated vs real whole foods.
@Tyeguy It really is a great setup. I'm not going to be in the field as much for the next few years so just trying to free up some funds for other things.