I got quotes from a couple different national brands that were ridiculously high... $5k, and just under $6k. This was for a softener & RO system for the kitchen.
Found a local independent guy that did it all for just over $2k. I don't recall the brand at the moment, but it's quality & made in...
The pups normally ride in their crates (Gunner) in the back of the truck under the camper shell. If it's stupid cold, they ride in the back seat after the hunt.
So, from what I understand, the Endangered Species Act, protects pure wolves... There are VERY few pure wolves. They have cross bred with coyotes and dogs. If I were a rancher losing my livelihood to feral canines,
I'd probably take my chances and shoot them (I know, easier said than done)...
I've owned a handful of travel trailers & 5th wheels over the years. Here's my experiences-
Once you get over about 24' in overall length, your options for campsites goes down, especially in state and national parks.
Having a fixed bed is very nice to have. It sucks to have to set up and break...
143 eld-x at 440 yards, mule deer. He was quartering towards me. I hit a little high. The bullet ran the length of its body, found the biggest fragment just under the hide in front of its hip. Pretty much turned the organs to mush.