Some helpful info and some not helpful. Thank you. Yes as one stated above about gear, my baggage is already consisting of gear, clothing and guns. Meat and and antlers would already be racking up extra bag fees plus extra fees. This is for my wife and I, by the time we add meat from 2 caribou...
Just wondering if anybody’s plans include checking their caribou on AA coming home? Has their changes in baggage charges affected your decisions? Does any one have current experience with these fee changes and checking heavy meat baggage? What options have you switched to if you have altered...
Really enjoyed your write up and sharing your experience! I bet it was bitter sweet. That same weather seemed to continue on through about the 18th when I was trying to get out of the field from that region of the state. Getting excited, wife and I will be going in August 24th for bou with...
Never heard of velvalok. But I found it easiest to strip the velvet and have artificial velvet done. Just take really good pictures of the velvet so they can match the color exactly. Mine looked exactly like when I shot it, it had the fullness of when I actually shot it. Seems like actual...
I got my first suppressors going through a SS kiosk at a local dealer. The entire process went good and straight forward, other than time that’s not their doing. A month later I decided to get a banish 30 through SC. I went through their process and was later denied. I got busy with life and...
Looking for a kimber talkeetna if anyone has one they are thinking of finding a new home for. Or if someone has seen one in a gunshop, let me know. Thank you
He sevens I was the one that messaged you about Moz. Yes Cape buffalo are on the menu. The plan is the wife will take her kimber 280 Ai. And the 375 seems to be an excellent gun to cover about everything. I currently don’t have anything larger than my 338 Montana. A caprivi or such isn’t the...
Just like Jason said, I’ve killed a truck load of stuff with 22” barreled 280 rem. Never felt handicapped either. Is it all you can get out of 280, absolutely not. I have a 26” barreled cooper than chronos higher velocities than a 24” barreled 7mm mag. Some barrels are faster than others. I...
Looking into getting a 375 for a first trip to Africa. My wife and I really like kimber rifles, so I started looking into them. I soon found 2 kimber caprivis and one kimber of Oregon 89. My question is how does the kimber of Oregon compare to the caprivi on the 8400 action. The model 89 I...
I get what you’re saying. I mainly hunt with synthetic stock rifles, only because I “trust” them in wet weather. But ultimately have hunted most with wood, even did my dall sheep hunt with a wood stock. I have a walnut mill as my business, I really enjoy the beauty of wood. So my outlook on...
Looking at different options in Blaser rifles, I see some beautiful wood stocks. Since the gun is designed and operates differently than anything I am use to, I’m wondering if wood stocked R8s are susceptible to moisture and weather influences similar to traditional bolt action rifles? Is a...
Holy long rolling threads here! I’ve been enjoying it, as a person who is looking at an R8 as an option to gain shortness for suppressors without having to sacrificing barrel length to do so. Lots of good info in this.
One question, I hearing all the lack of quality in aftermarket barrels. What...
Well since I’m already pushing the envelope of what can support a suppressor with my barrel and kimber adapter, and because cgs recommends the use of it, I thought it prudent to do so in my application. I do agree the Hyperion to be of very robust design. I’m only offering some insight I found...
Well I have a kimber mountain ascent, I knew going in that I would have to use kimbers very small adapter to get to 5/8x24. But then I find out the cgs has a tapering thread that they “recommend” use of a tapered thread adapter if you don’t have tapered threads on your gun. So I get that which...
Going back to way earlier posts, I bought both the dead air nomad Ti and Cgs Hyperion K at the same time. The entire buying process sucks for actually KNOWING what you really want. In the end with the way I had to mount it using an adapter on my thin barrel, the nomad Ti came in very close in...
I don’t understand what was so difficult for you. I did all of it very easily last year after the harvest, since it was my plan C. Didn’t have any complications whatsoever even doing some of the communication from the field by inReach. Found the guy at the tannery to be enormously helpful, and...