I just don't think the addition of 1 General tag is going to be the reason someone buys a 2500+ acre ranch when you can get the general tag almost every other year or every third year at the most as it is.
I just don't know if that would be necessary to include.
Montana has had Landowner Preference for Deer and Elk since 1973 and sets aside 15% of the permit quota for Landowners. Tags are valid Unit Wide and non transferrable.
For Elk eligibility, you need 640 contiguous acres or more with land that elk use.
For Deer eligibility you need 160 acres...
I can try and shed some light on that. I’m on the Policy and Leadership Councils for the Citizens Elk Management Coalition that wrote the bill. 2500 came from the idea of having large enough parcels that are likely still being used as a working landscape and potentially being one more reason for...