Selling a like new pair of Meopta Meostar B1 HD 15x56 Binos. Comes with the Outdoorsmans Stud. $1100 TYD. I can include a tall Outdoorsmans adapter for an additional $50
The absolutely only drawback to the S&B Klassik’s I’ve found is that they struggle to deal with veiling glare and sometimes allows the image to wash out.
Other than that, for a hunting scope under 600 yards. They’re tough to beat.
@realunlucky is correct. It's a combination of Precision Scheduled Railroading that has cut back on capital maintenance projects, increase in train length and weight thereby increasing in-train forces, and push from management to cut corners or face the fear of repercussions.
The railroads have...
Agreed, I don't think those fights go away but like I mentioned earlier. We've gotten a commitment from the most powerful lobby in PERC, to no longer pursue Transferrable LO tags in Montana.
The never ending push for Transferrable Landowner Tags. With a Republican supermajority in this state, it was a matter of when, not if.
The goal is for this bill to be the dam to stop that.
An understanding built on the trust that has been established over the last two years. This is the first legislative session in two decades that didn’t have a single transferrable elk tag bill introduced.
Strictly the landowner’s property that made up the 2500 acre contiguous parcel of land. They would also be unable to hunt public inholdings.
Admittedly, tough to enforce.
No Problem. I've had these discussions with some of my best friends that share many of the same concerns echoed here and like I said, the bill isn't perfect and it will require people to hold their ground into the future but we've been building good bridges. At it's core, this bill is designed...
The Block Management stipulation hasn't worked in the several years we've been attempting to have it included and it has only led to more harboring and an increased push from them for stuff like HB 505 we saw in 2021, the 454 Program, and transferable tags.
No. The information I was able to gather on non resident landowners shows there could be anywhere from 600-1000 tags being used. so 3.5-6% of the 17000 NR Tags.