Thermarest Z lite pad. It’s just too light not to have as a backup for an air pad and makes life so much better glassing with my pack as a back rest. I’ll never go on a trip without it.
Spent a lot of time with them at DSC and was able to consistently get them to range down to 9 yards. I was very impressed with the form/function. They are super sleek compared to the 10x42 ranges. Electronics are in one barrel instead of both. Two buttons on top that can be adjusted for left or...
3 days, 1 year, 3 years…. Great job guys. If you need anyone please reach out. For some (myself) it was a life changing experience and I can’t imagine where I’d be if I hadn’t stopped.
Great RF. Instruction manual isn’t great. I called Leica and found out you need to plug 0 sea level and 59 degrees into your ballistic solver to get accurate compensated readings.
I’ve had a Nemo Sonic 15 for several years now. Have used it in a variety of temps (60 to below 0). I am primarily a side sleeper and love to spread out and have found it to be a roomy bag with nice toe box. Only flaw I’ve found is the zipper seems to get snagged more than the SG I had for a...
I’ve been messing with them at DSC. Awesome concept that I think will shine 3-4 years from now. My understanding is that they are open for app development. Think scoring an elk or measuring 50 inch legal moose rack/full curl sheep. Won’t be on my short list to grab quite yet but I was surprised...
I have been a big Grancel Fitz fan after reading “North American Head Hunting.” Fitz was one of the first to take a fine head of every North American game animal. For almost ever hunt he used a G&H customized Remington Model 30 in 30-06. I did some poking around on the internet and ordered the...
Are these blued? Blued and coated? Anyone have a weight savings over standard lite?