I buy from from both big box and small local and look for the best quality at the best price. Both have employees who have to earn a living.
A small local lumber yard? Haven't one of those in years.
CHL ... fantastic bull and pic!
I was supposed to go on my 1st Moose hunt in northern Alberta this past fall but could not get into Canada with the borders closed. Constantly learning and this place has a lot of great info that is shared.
Facing a moose head on like this, where is the optimal...
And if you started investing $650 per month at age 18, at 8% annual return, by age 65 it would be worth $3,684,551.
I think the point is that if you change your mindset and stop accepting that you can only buy a car by making car payments, you can be in a better position to max out your 401K or...
Had a '57 Chevy in high school. Could do most of the work on it myself and even see the engine.
Just bought a new Ford F150 because some idiot after a right turn decided to make a u-turn right back into the intersectioninfront of me at 55 mph. You almost need a fighter pilots training with all...
A good friend of mine who is a Wealth Advisor & fund manager, told me there are generally 2 types of people, those that make $150k a year and live like they make $45k, and those that make $45k and live like they make $150k. 🙄
When the average car loan length at 72 months, people are living way...
Caliber does not destroy an animal, poor shot placement does. Even a shot from a .20 caliber will destroy meat if placed wrong. If you place the shot in the lungs/heart region no issues. I have shot multiple whitetails with my 300WIN without any meat loss.
Consider a Ruger Guide Gun 300WIN. A 20" barrel that comes with multiple muzzle options including a brake. It is very well built and designed for rugged back country hunting. If you are only doing open range hunting, then a 24" barrel is fine. But in any brush country hunting for bear...
I have eaten many visceral meat & organs, along with other crawling creatures around the world, but gout no longer allows this delicacy.
I envy you guys!
What's funny about approaching retirement is that if you achieve ridiculous financial goals you set to be able to retire, without limits, you can develop a fear of retiring because that same discipline causes hesitancy.
I am 2-3 years away, should've retired 5 years ago, but a business...