Search results

  1. V

    Outfitters offering doe hunts?

    I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations for outfitters offering doe hunts. My wife and I have been bow hunting in CO now for 6 years and have had some opportunities but haven't connected on elk/deer/antelope. Ideally I'd love to find a budget friendly hunt with an outfitter that would give...
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    East Troublesome fire

    10"+ and still coming down in Granby. We've needed this snow bad! Looking forward to slowing the growth. We always talk about how we've needed some fires to knock down the beetle kill, but never expected it to all go at once so quick, and be so impactful to the communities.
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    Tire Recommendations

    Where did you guys purchase your falkens?
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    Tire Recommendations

    I’ve had good luck with cooper at3s in the past. The new at3 xlt looks good but isn’t as budget friendly as I had hoped. I plan to try duratracs next.
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    Success and lessons learned - Early Season MT Archery Antelope

    I'll second the gloves - a must have in my country, especially for these delicate engineer's hands 😜
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    Success and lessons learned - Early Season MT Archery Antelope

    Congrats! I'm curious - do you typically run your chest rig when you go on a stalk? I've found it to be really nice to have the binos in many circumstances, but it sure is a pain to crawl with. I'm about 12 stalks into the season, including an arrow released at 20 yards on a buck that was...
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    Colorado 16, 17, 171

    I'm hunting this on an archery tag currently and it is VERY dry and crunchy. the majority of the lopes we are finding are in the lower/green country. Definitely in different areas than we found them a few years ago when I had this tag.
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    Out of state Antelope Taxidermy options

    Do a euro instead and put the money you save towards another future hunt! Sounds like you are set on a mount but I'm personally a big fan of euros for lopes - I think they look pretty sweet if done well.
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    Iron Will Broadhead Giveaway!

    Wide 100s!
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    WTS Bee Stinger 10” Stabilizer

    I'll take it
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    What Western State To Retire In?

    I'm sure someone with first hand experience can chime in, but I think you essentially have to chose/"show" that the majority of your time is spent in a particular state, which you identify as your state of residency. This gets into more tax code stuff than anything, and I think the uneducated...
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    What Western State To Retire In?

    For what it's worth - I grew up in NM and now live in rural Northern Colorado. A friend of mine just moved to Arizona from Idaho Falls, ID because his wife couldn't take the winters. I was always impressed with the hunting and fishing opportunities that SE Idaho had - but it did have the...
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    Portable chargers

    Just ordered two of these: This appears to be an older model but is on sale today for $12, about half of normal. No experience with ravpower personally but figured I couldn’t beat the deal given other folks...
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    Fulcrum Accessories: Belt Pouch or Lid?

    Went to retrieve my tree stand that I had left in outdoor storage and fulcrum did great! I was able to keep the small things in the wings but I'm leaning towards a belt pouch vs a lid for easy access.
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    wyoming doe applications

    There is also a leftover draw, so you could see if you draw your buck tag and then put in your son in the leftover draw depending on what's available. With that said, the leftover tags typically aren't great in terms of access.
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    Fulcrum Accessories: Belt Pouch or Lid?

    Awesome photos Pyro - thanks for the input!
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    Fulcrum Accessories: Belt Pouch or Lid?

    I've recently purchased a fulcrum and have been using it a bit on short hikes and for backpack cardio. With hunting season in mind I'm interested in either a belt pouch on the snow collar or the guide lid for keeping smaller items. The majority of my hunting will be day hunting but I do have a...
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    Supertarp for Glassing? Talk me out of a SO DST...

    Just snagged a DST up on the classifieds. To ianpardon's point, hard to beat the price. If these warm temps keep up I may actually have a place in the yard to play around with different pitches soon - the snow is melting fast! In talking with other folks that have done similar, I will likely...
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    DIY Bird Dog Training Videos/Resources?

    Awesome advice - thanks Sheepdog. A good reminder to revisit some basics. I'm fortunate to live in grouse country so looking to get her on some grouse this year.
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    WTS Seek outside DST, MLD bug bivy

    Pm sent on DST