I'm currently running a set of 10x42 Nikon HGs and really enjoy them. My cousin picked up some 15x56 SLCs last year, and ever since then I've thought that my next set of binos would be 15x56s to compliment my 10s. With that said, I'm not a huge fan of the smaller FOV on the 15s, and often times...
Dropped my phone in the snow but was able to retrace my steps and found it. My buddy lost my rangefinder on an archery antelope hunt in Idaho.
Last year on an archery antelope hunt my cousin dropped his range finder on a stalk but we were able to retrace his steps and find it. On the same hunt...
I may have gotten a bit trigger happy in the Cabelas Bargain Cave and purchased three of these frames with plans that never came to fruition. They are all in new condition and come in the big canvas bag. I'm happy to shoot over pictures if interested, however there's not much to see and the...
My wife shot a mule deer at 125 yards and I shot my bull at 280 this year, both with the Hornady eldx in the shoulder. Found both bullets inside the hide on the far side, no exit. Both animals died within 40 yards. I questioned the lack of pass thru as well, and consulted a friend who has had...