Matt, thank you for the great review. Years ago I bought the Nikon Monarch 8x36 and 10x36, and I’m glad I did because they are now discontinued. Quick light and handy, I just use a neoprene Binobib cover on an elastic chest strap to keep it simple. But not in the same quality department as the...
I basically have a new in box (used at the range 1 time) 65mm objective (w/ Outdoor Vision stay-on case, $55 new) for the ATX/STX/BTX and would like to sell ($922 shipped anywhere USA USPS insured) or trade for an 85/95mm objective (coming up with some money of course). Bought the 65mm thinking...
Totally agree except when you're in your trailer is at 8000'+ and your Mr. Heater Buddy won't stay lit, had a cold night to learn that one. Their directions say 7000' max. I like the safe Zodi heat exchanger unit that could run off my house battery but it's never in stock.
Salt Lake City company, makes me think of the covered wagon repair stories and how expensive it was back then having to travel through town! I contact JJ to, when taking the tent out, to convert their rear gate to a typical loading ramp for easy in and out with ATV, lawn mowers, etc., so you...
Been using the Kifaru gunbearer for years with trekking poles and has been solid, I have a 24" barrel. You can adjust the rifle to ride more vertical or out in front of you, depending on hiking conditions, day/night, etc. The rifle naturally rotates upside down for me so to not have the bolt...
Fascinating. In the 15 years I have had my gun vault speedvault biometric, (and also the one I bought for my mother), neither one has opened on the first try ever, these products are so bad and unreliable it actually makes me want to rant inappropriately. It’s not like it’s a faulty printer...
I basically have a new in box (used at the range 1 time) 65mm objective (w/ Outdoor Vision stay-on case, $55 new) for the ATX/STX/BTX and would like to sell ($900 shipped) or trade for an 85mm objective (coming up with some money of course). Objective lenses only. Bought the 65mm thinking I...
The shorter the structure, the less chance for absorbing bending forces, I detach in backpack. They come with pretty good protective caps to keep the dust out when separated.
It's been a couple years and my Jumping Jack tent trailer is doing just fine. I read about one guy where the mice chewed through that thick zip-up cover and started nesting in his tent, but I've been lucky, and mine is in a horse pasture with lots of field mice. I should put a poison black box...
I've owned the Vulture HD 15x56 for several years so I can only speak to these, I think I recall paying ~$600 for them. While I really like glassing with them, the frustrating thing is the diopter adjustment is non-locking, and located on the focus knob, not below the right eye cup, and the...
Can't tell you how many times in my life I didn't have time to put the plugs in before taking the shot (hunting with a 7mm RM), then afterwards thinking, "that wasn't too loud", must be the open mountains, when in fact it's probably adrenaline masking the noise, but it can't be good for your...