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    Youtube jockeys losing credibility

    It'd be interesting to see how many viewers would be fine with them not killing anything vs killing something small. I think a lot of YouTubers feel the pressure to kill something or they might lose credibility or something.
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    What will Meateater buy next??

    Does this mean no more Phelps doing things with Kifaru?
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    Montana; Your NR Odds Just got Worse

    I thought it was just a proposal?
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    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    Some of the apps are no longer allowing users to buy GME, AMC, BB
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    Retirement is very much a thing no matter when you were born if you understand finances
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    Sold Foxpro Fusion

    Yes it is
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    Does White Claw Suck?

    I'll take a White Claw over an IPA every day
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    BYU or University of Utah for daughter?

    Send her to an SEC school
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    Kifaru Supplements

    Hopefully the supplements help Trad Bow Jesus to a victory in the Huntwarz Might have to drug test him
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    Kifaru Supplements

    What are your thoughts? Kifaru Supplements. Seems like it could be something interesting
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    I think running has already been applied to everything
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    Moving over from Archery Talk

    Welcome! AT isn't what it used to be
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    Tree stand question

    Lone wolf is doing $50 off stands and sticks right now
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    Seems like every episode is an ad for their new calls
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    Burris Droptine

    Me too. It was worth the gamble. Luckily it's an easy return
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    Burris Droptine

    I'm hopefully getting it today. It was stuck in Omaha for a day
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    Burris Droptine

    Mine is arriving tomorrow so we'll see what I actually get
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    Kifaru Dilemma

    The thing I like about the Stryker is how versatile it is. It's not going to be as good as the fulcrum for a 7 day hunt but you can get by it with. It's great for day hunting. I use mine for random crap all summer such as hauling mineral and treestands
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    Burris Droptine
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    Burris Droptine

    Just picked up a Burris Droptine scope for $40 on Amazon. Looks like they have 6 left