I watched a 6.5 sell for $1800 last week
Currently watching an 18" .308 that's at $2,375 with 12 hours to go. Little over what I think I'm willing to pay
The Barrett Fieldcraft seems to a highly regarded rifle. I haven’t been able to get my hands on one in person. The specs look good from what I’ve seen online and the 18” barrel interests me.
My question is are they worth the price the used ones seem to be going for? I’ve been watching some go...
Avoiding someone because they got the vaccine is a weirdo move. Same with avoiding someone who didn't get the vaccine.
I generally try to avoid both people who got the vaccine and people who didn't get the vaccine
I bought a new Wooltimate jacket 2 years ago and it's been great.
I still enjoy going in any sporting goods store. Hell I enjoy looking at hunting and fishing stuff at Wal-Mart.