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  1. huntngolf

    The morality of poaching

    I have absolutely no problem with a poor family taking a deer if the meat is all used and none wasted. I think a guy would feel better about themselves going out and getting the meat instead of standing in line for handouts at a food bank. Kids would probably think it’s pretty cool to see their...
  2. huntngolf

    How many days do you spend scouting a given area to hunt?

    Go scouting now, be much easier to see deer sign vs in summer when all the vegetation is growing
  3. huntngolf

    Muleys v. Whitetails

    I’d say in general whitetails like thicker cover where they are harder to see, and muleys like more open terrain where they can see their surroundings.
  4. huntngolf

    Burn / use points on doe, Colorado

    Never hunted Colorado so just clarifying. They give out "Buck" tags instead of "any deer" tags? So you can only shoot a buck. In South Dakota at least they give out "any deer" tags that are good for buck or doe, then also give out "doe only" tags. No such thing as a "buck only" tag that I'm aware of
  5. huntngolf

    Coyote prices..

    Same in SD. 40$ for the best, 20$ for average
  6. huntngolf


    Those are both really dark!
  7. huntngolf

    First time applying for antelope tags. Advice on places to start?

    Are you looking strictly rifle? Archery will have a lot of opportunities for tag options and a wider season selection. Could easily hunt somewhere archery this year, rifle will be tough to make happen this year without a lot of money
  8. huntngolf

    Vortex Customer Service

    Another shout out to the customer service from Vortex. Eyepiece on my spotting scope came apart inside, emailed them and had a response within an hour that a new eyepiece was being sent out that day, with a return label for the damaged one. No charge or questions at all. Will definitely...
  9. huntngolf

    South Dakota in two weeks!

    Really dry all winter, spring and summer. Has been much better the last month-6 weeks though. EHD is bad in spots and nothing in other areas so will likely just need to move around until you find where the deer are. The area I hunt the mule deer numbers are really good and the whitetails are...
  10. huntngolf

    Will cows push muleys out?

    Yes, deer will move out if cows move in. Whitetails and Muleys
  11. huntngolf

    South Dakota PSA

    Was hunting west river last weekend for rifle antelope/archery deer. Cameras had tons of activity all summer and into September, and since the third week of September activity on the cameras has plummeted. Didn't find any dead deer while I was hunting, but only saw 3 whitetail does in areas I...
  12. huntngolf

    Guess the Score

    159 4/8"
  13. huntngolf

    Anyone using Ozonics or an ozone machine (and willing to admit it)?

    I have one and use it occasionally, generally when winds are 5 or less. More than 5mph and don't use it. Don't seem to have better luck with or without it but some deer do behave differently when its running. Like others have said they know something is different but they usually stay around...
  14. huntngolf

    Nebraska mulies??

    You trying to help people out over the internet is hurting the guys who put the real work in and find these places the hard way
  15. huntngolf

    Dumb question?

    Seems like antelope need to see whats there before taking off. Their nose will alert them to something but they will usually try and see what it is. Not like deer that will bolt from scent alone. From my experiences at least
  16. huntngolf

    Managing stress/anxiety around a LE Elk tag

    If you have time before your hunt go out and hunt something simple-rabbits, squirrels, whatever. Can honestly help you sharpen your skills and give you a confidence boost. I've done it before and it helped me out at least
  17. huntngolf

    As quick as it started, my 2021 antelope season is over. 😉

    Well done! Always great to get the first one of the year down
  18. huntngolf

    Whats the closest shot you have had on a Pronghorn?

    I’ve shot 3 at less than 10 yards, 1 was probably 3-4 yards. All spot and stalk. I don’t even attempt stalks anymore if they aren’t in absolutely perfect spots. But I live where I hunt so time isn’t an issue
  19. huntngolf

    Antelope in warm weather

    I agree with long hunter. If your concerned about possible meat spoilage don't shoot 2 at once. Get one down and properly taken care of then go for the second
  20. huntngolf


    Western part of Nebraska is better than east for antelope