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  1. huntngolf

    Whitetail trailcam picture

    Wow that thing is old
  2. huntngolf

    Hunting Whitetail In The Fog

    I think deer treat fog the same as rain. Not much movement during it, but right after it clears they will be on their feet to try and dry off. We don't get much fog where I'm at, but I've had a few really good hunts that were right after it stopped raining
  3. huntngolf


    Agree with everyone above on the low numbers. There's still antelope around, but areas that used to have herds of 50+ now your lucky to see 10
  4. huntngolf

    False property Lines

    Yeah those fences could be there legally. Don’t assume they aren’t and also don’t be afraid to hunt the public. Could actually work out in your favor, the fence likely keeps most people away
  5. huntngolf

    South Dakota Cmon

    I completely agree. My comment was made in jest from an earlier post
  6. huntngolf

    Montana archery antelope

    I don’t hunt Montana but do in South Dakota. If your gonna try to do spot and stalk my advice is don’t even try if a goat isn’t in a good spot. 99% of the ones you see will be in an unstalkable spot, but the 1% you do find in good spots will be almost too easy to get close to. I’ve literally...
  7. huntngolf

    South Dakota Cmon

    Yeah but if their not actually killing deer it doesn’t matter. 🙄
  8. huntngolf

    South Dakota Cmon

    I don't. Never hunted outside of South Dakota
  9. huntngolf

    South Dakota Cmon

    Just because they aren’t harvesting a lot of deer doesn’t mean non-residents aren’t putting more pressure on the land and deer. I think total tag numbers given out to non-resident archery hunters from the previous 5-10 years would give a better indication of their “affect” that residents are...
  10. huntngolf

    South Dakota Cmon

    Give Nebraska a try. They have cheap over the counter tags. Probably nicer people too
  11. huntngolf

    I drew region G with 0 points and don't know anything

    I've never hunted region G or anywhere in Wyoming but you will learn a ton about the area if you are able to do a summer scouting trip
  12. huntngolf

    Summer movement patterns vs October

    If it’s in a spot that gets pressure from hunting in September then by October they will likely be off their summer patterns. If the pressure is low they could still be in the same areas and possibly the same feeding/bedding patterns unless there is a major food or water difference than the...
  13. huntngolf

    June Iron Will Broadhead Giveaway!

    S125 for deer
  14. huntngolf

    South Dakota Archery Application Help

    I've made 3 different camping reservations, and applied for all my tags and my wife's tags without issues so far
  15. huntngolf

    New Book: Hunting Big Mule Deer: The Stories

    Looking forward to it. Are there any plains mule deer stories in there or mostly mountain hunting?
  16. huntngolf

    Differant mule deer

    Oh I know its a whitetail. Should have worded my initial statement differently. Just interesting that its antlers have some characteristics typical of mule deer and there are mule deer in the area
  17. huntngolf

    Differant mule deer

    Here’s a whitetail I shot in western South Dakota in an area that is generally 80% whitetail and 20% muley. Body looked exactly like a whitetail but has forks on almost all his tines.
  18. huntngolf


    Would gladly take that in central and western SoDak. Many areas still at less than an inch of precip since January 1
  19. huntngolf

    Food plots and land improvements

    I agree with what Pancake said. Do something different than what is around you, whether that be cover or food. Chances are deer will be attracted to it at some point in the year, will just have to learn the time frame they use it most.
  20. huntngolf

    Snowpack ??

    Central South Dakota has been extremely dry. 4” of snow for the season, maybe .1-.2” moisture since December. Huge cracks in the ground gonna soak up any moisture we do get