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  1. WMag338

    Need a new rangefinder

    ^^^This. Close thread.
  2. WMag338


    Is Applied Ballistics the same on the phone vs Kestrel?
  3. WMag338


    Same here. Keep my fingers crossed.
  4. WMag338


    Wonder if Strelok will stay active on all devices that have already downloaded it? Can’t see how it could self-destruct?
  5. WMag338

    2023 AZ Elk Draw

    Good luck to all that drew!
  6. WMag338

    Iron Will Arrows

    Oddly enough, their arrows are almost exacly how i build my arrows. Axis Pro 5mm, iron will HITS & impact collars. I've always used Blazer vanes tho. Should be a killer setup. Great you can get IW to build them like this.
  7. WMag338

    Best long range scope

    I've been very pleased with my Zeiss V4's 4-16 and V6's 3-18.
  8. WMag338


  9. WMag338


    Awesome. I use the Leica rangefinders so i'll check out the phone app.
  10. WMag338

    Youth Oryx Hunt

    Oh man! What a fantastic hunt and experience! Super happy for yall! Good for her for sticking it out! Will be memories neither of yall will ever forget!
  11. WMag338

    Iron Will Arrows

    Very interesting. I bet that will be a killer arrow. Iron Will + Easton. Def be worth a look!
  12. WMag338


    What platform are you using it on? Kestrel? iPhone?
  13. WMag338

    Removing case lube

    I've just been using a terry cloth to wipe off the Imperial wax. Seems to work fine for me.
  14. WMag338

    ElkNut Original App is now Free To All.

  15. WMag338

    Montana guide for a real learning experience?

    I've done this same thing. I've learned a ton from hunting with different outfitters and guides. I'm definitely not an elk whisperer, but its cut my learning curve way down for sure. Lots of folks have good info on outfitters on here.
  16. WMag338

    Do you shoot factory or load your own ammo?

    I am new to the reloading game. When ammo disappeared several years ago, i got pissed and jumped head first into reloading. I've had a learning curve for sure, but am starting to get the hang of it now. I've worked up several loads for several calibers and have quite a few of 1/4-1/2 MOA...
  17. WMag338


    I have compared my Strelok to the kestrel solver and some other online solvers. In my experience, they have all been fairly close to within a 1/4 to 1/2 MOA. I like the Strelok because i can link my weather info from the kestrel to it and also have different velocities for different...
  18. WMag338

    Leather Sling Recommendation

  19. WMag338


    Will definitely look into that.
  20. WMag338


    Had anybody noticed that Strelok is no longer in the App Store for purchases or updates? Been a happy user for several years now. Read on another forum it has something to do with security issues in Ukraine. Is there another ballistics app as good as Strelok? I hope this isn’t the end of...