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  1. M

    Building a Crew

    Bubblehide I hope your medical issues turn out for the better. I know I have enjoyed your stories from different sites you are on. Seems like we run in the same areas. You have turned out some very nice animals and seem very helpful to others. I know the way I hunt is not many peoples cup of...
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    Building a Crew

    biggest things I run into The actual passion to hunt. Seems like most people just like to talk about it. Good people that you trust being around People who aren’t afraid of the hard work involved crazy to think something that is so much fun to me is no interest to others
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    Building a Crew

    Just wondering how everyone came into their group of hunting partners. For me its been basically my dad and grandpa. Now that my kids are starting to roam the mountains they will start to join. But with anything age does catch up to you. Grandpa has now passed and the hunts we had were great...
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    The best camera for hunting, lowest price ever.Olympus E-M5 Mark 3 kit

    I am still on the fence. I have a TG6 that has been working. But for the larger prints that I want to do its just not enough camera. But its tough and I dont have to worry about breaking it. Thats my biggest concern about getting a better camera is that it wont be able to hold up the abuse. I am...
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    Teacher Hunting out West

    you have a lot more chances to hunt then just those two periods. Use Veterans day or Labor Day or any of the other 3 day weekend teachers get off. Add in a couple personal days and you should have a nice window to hunt. Yes its not perfect and you are not doing to get a full two week hunt in but...
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    Like all you guys have said about the better backpacks....

    I have packed out two bucks this year. Both were qrt bones left in. Not sure how much each weighed but it was enough. I felt the weight on my legs and that was it. The fulcrum just rocked. Opened the big bag up and put the meat right in. I had room room if I needed it. The thing was not one time...
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    multiday with a 22Mag

    In the same boat. I have the fulcrum and it compresses nicely and I am going using the guide lid for the day stuff but was thinking about the 22 Mag for just day trips. But the fulcrum compresses so well its probably not worth it. Its been great opening the big bag and packing all the meat from...
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    Thanks everyone. I think this will be a 1 time trip or at least a long time between them. There are many reasons I want to do this hunt before some how it doesn’t become a possibility anymore. Not looking for high fence or the spa treatment. I love taxidermy and will euro some of them but...
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    Rokslide 2020 Best Youth Hunt Photo Contest, sponsored by Western Edge Gear

    4th buck in a row. Hunting a zone with less than 5% success rate. He is either good or lucky Man love spending time with him
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    Idaho NR prices go up

    I understand that Idaho is busting at the seems with people moving in. It was a state that 20 years ago I wish I would have just moved to but the pay was just to low. Looking back I should have made it work. I regret that. The Africa thing is a once in a lifetime hunt more than likely and it’s...
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    For those you have been is it really worth it and do you really get hooked on going back. I have been working a second job to take this trip but when I add the total cost from my front door to animals on the wall its a pretty good piece of change. Everyone that I have talked to seem to love it...
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    2021 Wyoming General Elk Tag

    I hope you make it with 3 1/2. I am in the same boat with my dad and son. I will be putting them in at 3.5 and hope the make it. I am hoping to build a few more points so I can join them again in a couple years using my points and have more knowledge of the area.
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    Idaho NR prices go up

    Not disappoint that they raised the fee. A couple $100 does suck at least there is still the ability to hunt. I am disappointed with the youth fee increase. Yes my kids can hunt in my home state. Yes the hunting is very hard here and low success rate but we will get it done. But it sucks that I...
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    Bring my 12 y/o nephew or go solo?

    Depends on the kid and the goal you have for the hunt. I agree taking kids is great but only if you are there for them to enjoy the experience. I have taken all of my kids hunting at some level but an out of state hunt to me has to fit the kid to enjoy it for all ends. My oldest 13 can go...
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    Non Res Bobcat

    Saw 2 cats this morning driving in to quail hunt and the biggest cat I have ever seen on the way out. Thanks California I would try Arizona but I thought it was a no for nonresident
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    Non Res Bobcat

    Well since my wonderful state has banned bobcat hunting I have been looking for possible states that allow non res bobcat hunting. Looks like most state only offer resident hunts. I really liked getting after cats and have some great hunting close but for the next few years if not forever it’s...
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    No Place to Hide, an Antelope Story

    Great writing
  18. M

    Shooting Long Range Paid off BIG TIME

    What bullet did you shoot Thanks