Born and raised in Fortuna, CA, but have called Colorado home for longer.
Fun fact: I went from "never joining the military" to "only doing 4 years" to retiring 4 years ago after 20 years and 4 combat deployments in the Army.
I have a Sitka Core that I really like, but it's very lightweight. I also have a Kryptek one, not sure which, it has a 1/4 zip along with the hood and has a waffle insulation to it. It has to stay in my pack or I find my wife wearing it!
I always detach mine, the thought of the valve getting bumped or the stove coming partway unscrewed and leaving me SOL makes taking the 2 seconds to unscrew it worthwhile.
I havea Ruger SR22 that demands good shooting form or you get an FTF. It's been great for teaching the wife and my boys how to shoot with. If you get limp wristed it will FTF. Good solid position and it works great. With kids who want to pew, pew, pew. Its a great motivator to have a good...
I have an old Lodge that I've had for a long time. About 4 years ago I decided to start using it. Through trial and error I found that just occasionally re-seasoning it on the stove with either shortening or olive oil keeps it pretty non stick. I felt I hit the pinnacle of seasoning when we...