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    NM unit 4 land owner authorization bull elk

    I hope you’re correct.
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    2023 Mathews Bows

    This is what I’m hoping for as well.
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    DIY Arrow Wraps

    Thanks for sharing. I can’t believe the mark up on arrows wraps. Definitely going to have to give this a try.
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    Diy broadhead bivy

    Agreed. I was looking for a suitable broadhead holder and I didn’t like the hard cases I’ve been seeing. Well done.
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    Mystery Ranch Pop Up 38 Noise

    Quick question on the pop up mr. I’m considering buying this bag but I’ve seen reviews stating that the bag doesn’t cinch up well. According to these reviews is states that an empty or lightly packed bag will bounce around off the frame. Does anyone know if this is still the case?
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    CA archery hunting worth it anymore?

    California is tough in general but SoCal is particularly hard. Still new to hunting but this is my strategy as well. I started building points for a premium in-state zone last year and began building out of state point this year. As nexus said, just need to plan the game.
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    What binoculars should I get for a first time hunter ?

    That’s the plan. Just need to get my wife on board. 😳
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    September 2022 Giveaway

    Kuiu Peloton 200 Zip-T
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    Knives: ESEE-3 vs Benchmade Hidden Canyon

    I have the newer hidden canyon with s90v steel. I’ve read that some find the handle too small but my hands (medium) fit just fine.
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    Cheap replacement felt for drop away rest

    Thanks for the tip. Wasn’t sure what to use as a suitable replacement for the stock felt.
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    What binoculars should I get for a first time hunter ?

    Wish I found this thread before I bought the vortex diamond backs. I’m on my second season with the vortex and definitely wish I would have gone with something better.