Search results

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    WTS Gunfighters Inc. Holster (S&W N frame)

    Let me kick it around this afternoon.
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    WTS WTS Kifaru pack frame

    Do you know what size of shoulder straps it has?
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    WTS Gunfighters Inc. Holster (S&W N frame)

    This is a Catch and release item for me. I bought it on Rokslide a while back and never ended up using it. It is the holster only You will have to buy a harness from Gunfighters Inc separate. $40 TYD add 3% for G&S Right Handed Draw
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    WTS Hunting Books

    I’ll take elk hunting 101.201,301 and night of the grizzlies if the above deals don’t go through.
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    WTS 100g Exodus Broadheads

    I have 9 total 100grains Exodus Broadheads for sale. 3 are brand new swept style, 6 are full style with 5 brand new and one shot for practice. SOLD Conus only. Pay pal goods and services add 3%. I want to sell all of them together.
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    WTS Kifaru Reckoning (Bag only)

    Pm sent back to you Elksniper
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    WTS Kifaru Reckoning (Bag only)

    Ranger Green Kifaru Reckoning for sale. Used lightly one season. A few minor cosmetic stains from hunting in a burn scar, that will most likely wash out. No tears or blood stains. I can send pictures later on this evening. PM for more info/pics. SOLD
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    WTS WTS: Kifaru Lost Park Pants, M

    I will take them.
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    Sold Kifaru Duplex Lite frame with 44mag and striker

    It might help if you include photos and size specs on the frame lol. Multi cam bags don’t show up very often. You shouldn’t have a problem getting rid of it.
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    WTB T&K Hunting Gear Grid Fleece Cap

    Just missed them again on their website. I’m looking for size large Coyote or black. I will pay shipping.
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    WTS Angled Vortex Razor HD spotting scope

    Ttt I need this gone ASAP
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    Iron Will - Pick 2 Giveaway!

    K2 knife and hit system Good luck everyone!
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    WTS Angled Vortex Razor HD spotting scope

    Gen 1 16-48x65 razor hd spotting scope. Used 2 times in the field for day hunts and a few times in the backyard. I can’t find anything wrong with the body or the lenses. It comes with the case and the original box. I bought it new a few years ago. Pm for more pictures or more questions. SOLD