I would still try to check them out yourself as YMMV. An improvement that I did note is that the g2s felt like a binocular and not a range finding binocular.
For anyone who wants to read up on clear vs organic gelatin. I attached a photo of a take away from the document.
I only have experience with the 10x42s g1 and g2 and they seemed similar to me. Ultimately the tint was enough for me to not test them further because I wasn’t going to buy it. Hopefully someone can give you more detailed/definitive feedback back than I can.
I don’t think that clear “ballistic gel” is a proper tissue simulate. Here is a video the vortex has that showed a bullet shot at long range(875 yards) and not expanding with clear gel. When they placed actual 10% gelatin in front it of the clear gel the bullet opened as designed.
If you don’t...
Replacement trigger guards are $12 on eBay if you have an action screw pull through. I tighten mine down to 60in lbs with a thread locking compound, and will continue to do so even if I had one pull through tonight.
Edit: disregard you got it tightened up properly...