Absolutely. It was a great day, and tricky lighting conditions. I have some of his 7mm 160s that I’ll be shooting here in a month or two hopefully. Very easy to load for as well.
I’ll update this once I shoot some more animals.
I’m building a 7 prc improved and have an integral rail with the gap over the ejection port. 4” between back and front rail. Hard to mount the short scopes on a set up like that.
The March 4.5-28x52 will be a pain on a long action. I wonder if the 4-20 zco would be too? The Steiner t6xi’s have been good to me so far. I have a 2.5-15 and the 3-18. I compared them with a kahles 2 k318i and kept the steiners. Eye box is awesome on the steiners.