First year applying as a NM resident and drew Elk and Deer, I'm still in shock. Can't wait to start scouting, wish I didn't have to work so damn much haha.
Hey I just moved to ABQ from Texas and eventually hope to end up in Alaska when my residency training is done! I’m just starting to dive into hunting and fishing here, if I get something figured out I’ll let you know!
Thank you, I really appreciate the advice and encouragement. I’m committed to keeping the outdoors a part of my life from here on, especially once I’m an attending!
Thank you for you kind words. It definitely was a dream come true. It is challenging to make time for me and my family but I’m determined to make it work, starting with getting the family outdoors as much as I can.
Hey everyone,
After a 12 year hiatus from big game hunting and archery I’m trying to make my way back. I’m doing my Orthopedic surgery residency in New Mexico and couldn’t be happier to be out west and close to the mountains.
Im excited to join this forum as I try to put together the gear and...