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  1. hillbillyfab

    Cheek riser bargain.

    When I found this thread, the riser was out of stock. It's now back in stock for anyone wanting to try it out.
  2. hillbillyfab

    Sold Dryad Drey

    PM sent
  3. hillbillyfab

    CVA Scout 300 Blackout Suppressed Sub Sonic for Deer?

    *Edit I was wrong. They used a scout in the 6.5 flavor. There’s a thread or two on here where others have done and used exactly what you’re describing. I have a 300 BO 10.5” upper in the AR flavor I’ve used in the past. I’ve since put it away in favor of my threaded marlin 30/30 for my sub 100...
  4. hillbillyfab

    Howdy! FNG from Middle TN

    Welcome. What part of middle? I ask because I’m on the western side of middle.
  5. hillbillyfab

    New Member from TN

    Welcome from Middle TN!
  6. hillbillyfab

    Is the Expen$$$ive Turkey ammo worth it?

    If I wasn’t limited and couldn’t shoot lead, yes I’d buy a box of TSS and not check up.
  7. hillbillyfab

    The "90 day E Form"

    For the guys that just got approved, time to buy another one and get the clock started again. You’ll look up in a few months or a year and wish you had. Believe me, this was my experience years ago.
  8. hillbillyfab

    Weather / conditions in your area

    Temps in the teens and snow falling here in Tennessee. Kinda excited about it to be honest.
  9. hillbillyfab

    Cheek Risers - Recommendations

    I was just recommended a riser by Beartooth. I was looking for one and a shell holder. Think I’ll place an order for a couple for a few of our turkey shotguns.
  10. hillbillyfab


    Good idea. It’s been mid 20’s all day here and supposed to get into the single digits here in middle TN
  11. hillbillyfab

    Best Cheap Headlamp

    I use both rechargeable and battery powered versions. I keep the energizer headlamps stashed in bags, trucks, etc. They're just too economical in price not to have them nearby.
  12. hillbillyfab

    FNG from East TN

    welcome from middle Tennessee.
  13. hillbillyfab

    GPS Collar/Containment system for dogs

    Everyone’s experience will vary, I’ll share mine with various containment systems. Around a year of age my chocolate lab decided it was time to wander. I tried a wireless fence system with the little flags for visual, no luck. I penned him up until I could get the “stubborn dog” underground...
  14. hillbillyfab

    WTS Gear Dump

    Any idea which model shwacker those broad heads are?
  15. hillbillyfab

    Will or Trust??

    Both are needed. We learned this after setting up a trust years ago for my first few cans.
  16. hillbillyfab

    308 factory loads for whitetail

    I prefer the 180 grain core lokts as far as off the shelf of the local Wally World ammo goes. I can usually find them cheap and plentiful there. They hammer the shoulders of white tails at the distances we shoot here in Tennessee.
  17. hillbillyfab

    Raccoons Raccoons Raccoons

    I’ve got duke dog proof traps and some no name brand I bought at the local rural king. Both seem to catch just fine. We don’t run feeders or cameras, but have good luck setting the DP’s on game trails coming and going.
  18. hillbillyfab

    Raccoons Raccoons Raccoons

    Lots of them around here these days, because none of the deer hunters will let us coon hunt anymore. We use to put a hurting on them.
  19. hillbillyfab

    Squirrel Dogs

    Love my curs, but I’ve seen some dang good fiest dogs also.
  20. hillbillyfab

    Suppressed 22 LR for 13 Month Old Daughter

    Another Rascal recommendation here. I bought one when for my now 15 year old. I threaded it and left the irons on it, this before they offered a threaded version . Talk about just silly fun shooting that thing with a can on it. He has long since out grown it.