Interesting. Wonder how well it gets signal without the larger antenna that the Mini 2 has. I have the Mini 2 and it sometimes struggles to get signal in the woods. I kind of like using the go to waypoint feature on the Mini 2 so I don't have to pull out my phone.
I do lop off anything that looks like fat or just pure connective tissue. Really helps to chop into 2" cubes and/or partially freeze before grinding. I have an under-powered grinder that I really need to upgrade. I have to stop and unclog strands of silver skin if I leave the meat chunks too...
I don’t generally grind neck or shanks. Anything else, I might grind with minimal trimming. Never really trim silver skin from the grind pile anymore.
Best thing to do is try making some burger without trimming and see if it works for you. Huge time saver.