I went the 2nd week of October in 2017, and the first week of October in 2022.
Two totally different hunts. Got a 4pt in 2017, and a 17 point (my profile pic) in 2022.
In 2017, we never heard a bull respond to the calls. We would just see them wandering around.
In 2022, we heard bulls calling...
My degree was in Economics. For one of my upper level classes, I wrote a paper on the implications of privatizing deer herds in VA.
I get the sentiment, but allowing private profiting of the resource helps ensure better quality game.
I sprung for the PH to save a few ounces. Mounted my Bushnell LRHS2 in Hawkins high rings, because those were the rings in stock. They are too high, my cheek is coming off the rifle to shoot.
I found some medium sized rings in stock, and plan on re-mounting the scope soon. Pic of the gun/scope...
Hmm, ok. I'm looking for a tripod that I can shoot off of and is much lighter than my Two Vets 40MM (6lbs). I'd like something that is more packable into the back country.
I am down to 239.4 this morning, started the year at 260 so crossed the 20lbs lost mark. I'm 6ft. Got some extra motivation to lose more this week. Had a physical (my first in 5 years), and Dr. called me on Friday with results. Apparently My A1C is 6.5, which means I am diabetic (Type 2). They...
I bought a John Deere 915 6 or 7 years ago for $8K. I wanted the tougher build quality and roll bar. I have some steep hills to mow which gets exciting at times with a zero turn. So, I went with the "lowest" grade commercial. I'm at 235 hours on it.
It's done well, and my backyard has weeds...
Definitely heed this advice. I didn't. My rifle was a Rem 700 BDL in 300 RUM.
I was arrogant, thought I could shoot it. I learned horrible habits from the rifle, ammo costs got stupid expensive, I only shot a few rounds a year. Ended up wounding and not recovering lots of deer over about 10...
I haven't loaded for the 280AI myself, but a buddy of mine won the Allegheny sniper challenge with a 280AI twice. He used RL17 under 180's if I remember the bullet correctly.