Again, addressed this.
Pms can be great for sharing specific info. But why not ban that. To most peoples point here the spot sharing is the root of all evil.
But even a post saying “pm sent” can be helpful. Lets other people know you added something of value. Keeps posts fresh; etc.
Memes are great when they’re all fun and games.
ironic that he asked somebody else to do the work for him. No?
I also don’t know the rules like the back of my hand, but I’m assuming there’s a rule against posting a personal picture of somebody in this manner.
Love keeping it fun.
For anyone who is counting. I have been enlightened. I guess i don’t need spot info: since my tag is good for one unit and that unit is a spot. I’ve only got one spot to go. Case closed
I’ve hunted a lot of different OR units. Where I killed my bull is hardly a “spot”. Elk might be there next year, might not.
I’ll do my best to find where they are.
I guess my “spot” is OR OTC. I enjoy visiting a lot of different country. seriously doubt anyone is gonna come running. But...
Oh come on. Its silly.
Like ban “spots” talk all together. Or don’t.
Remove all then old spot talk, or don’t
Put in a vague rule about fng guys having to get to 100,500, 1000 just so they can spot talk? Sillyness.
I’ll get plenty of time with boots on the ground and glass on the mountains. But always helpful to learn a bit about whats going to happen during season. With only being able to hunt this tag 1 of 10ish years it’s hard to get boots during season.
Anti-property rights? I support property rights. I’m not hating on anyone successful enough to own their own property. But existing. public lands is a different story.
Handouts? I don’t want to hand out. If it were easy, I bet 90% of us wouldn’t do it, myself included.
But I would not call it...
Ad a Colorado resident you also voted to bring back wolves. Good luck with that.
I’m not going to say that less tags is a bad thing. everybody seems to like Les tags when it’s for everybody “else”
While I might disagree on this being a good thing; it would make more sense.
I could see a ban it the topic and a wiping of the previous data to follow the new ruling. Like OK, no more for everybody.
But the current rule just seems silly. Specifically the FNG and classification that a unit is...
You can’t ask for “spot” specific advice if you’re a fng ( less than 100 comments on other posts)
Case and point on the stupidity of the rule: in a few hours I’ll have enough comments to be able to ask about spots again.
If it should be banned; then just ban it. I’ll probably still complain...
+1 on the too many after work!
Agreed that it came across as winny. But because it comes from a place of something I care about. But “butthurt” is not a good word. Just calling out that this seems dumb. So once i get to 100 comments this just goes away? So should fng’s just start by bumping...
Well thanks to all the people commenting. I’ll have lots to reply to. I’ll get to my 100 comments real quick now.
And good thing too. Cause it will all be productive, intelligent conversation from here on out.