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  1. FrontierGander

    More of less powder?

    120gr t7 is max.
  2. FrontierGander

    More of less powder?

    Yes, always start with fresh powder. The substitute powders generally do not last long compared to real black. Never liked t7 personally. Way too inconsistent and never grouped well. May consider trying a can of Pyrodex Rs next time. It's dirty and smells like the Mexican food you had 2 days...
  3. FrontierGander

    More of less powder?

    With that spread. I'd advise you to not waste powder or bullets, shooting more groups. I always suggest starting at 80gr 2fg, especially with T7. Clean the bore between shots with a water based cleaner. Windex works awesome and is cheap. That's a huge spread for a scoped gun. How old is your...
  4. FrontierGander

    Tried and failed at casting

    Either the lead is cold or the mold is cold. I set my pot on full blast. Once the lead melts, I give it another 12 to 15 minutes to warm. Dip the steel mold into the lead for 30 seconds and start casting.
  5. FrontierGander

    Muzzleloader shot but barely

    Muzzleloader in general
  6. FrontierGander

    Muzzleloader shot but barely

    Technically the 1300s called, they want their muzzleloader back 🤣
  7. FrontierGander

    A little Hawken work

    Just a teaser... it's finished.
  8. FrontierGander

    Muzzleloader shot but barely

    Switch to loose powder or use a Winchester W209 primer.
  9. FrontierGander

    Vortek Striker fire Help

    Make sure the rear stock bolt it tight.
  10. FrontierGander

    Waterproofing Muzzleloader

    Another fun and effective way to keep water off the lock... a cows knee.
  11. FrontierGander

    BH209 pricing

    Hodgdon really screwed up bh209 when they bought it out. I heard that the firesticks are using a finer granulation of bh209, but of course, It's called T8. If that's the case. It explains why bh209 is so expensive and very limited.
  12. FrontierGander

    What else do I need?

    ditch the bore butter and get some quality gun oil. Personally, you wasted a lot of money buying that tc stuff. A bottle of windex would do better and a lot cheaper. Never had much luck either with the green sabot xtps in my cvas, but it will give you somewhere to start. Swab the bore between...
  13. FrontierGander

    Sticky fouling with Swiss

    Anyone else having issues with swiss? I just did some more serious sit down today at the range. The last time, 60gr 2fg showed promise, dropped it to 50gr today and just really poor accuracy. Used 91 % alcohol / murphys oil soap. Any lube i try, including spit patches, the fouling is ungodly...
  14. FrontierGander

    Doc White's vintage powder VS SWISS

    Well, I bought this oldie back in June and finally put it through the hoops! Today, this old powder, put swiss powder to shame! Doc White made many fine rifles, and as it turns out, he also made one hell of a black powder as well! Green River Sporting Powder 2fg, 1970s. Ardesa Mountain Rifle...
  15. FrontierGander

    Sidelock muzzleloaders

    Sidelock/Flintlock is what i shoot 99% of the time.
  16. FrontierGander

    Waterproofing Muzzleloader

    Items needed: Scissors Teflon Tape (Plumbers Tape) Nipple Wrench Ear Plug About four years ago, I was testing a powder called American Pioneer. It is a sugar based powder (Pop the lid and it smells like brown sugar!) and the subject popped up on a forum I am a member on. Condensation / Barrel...
  17. FrontierGander

    Traditions Buckstalker XT session

    On this test, I used both, Schuetzen and Blackhorn209. On a fully clean bore, the first shots on a clean bore were off. Schuetzen, had the worst spread on the first shots being off. The next shots however, were pretty darn decent. All were swabbed between shots. 90gr Scheutzen 50 yards, 270gr...
  18. FrontierGander

    Traditions Buckstalker XT session

    Back out today in the horrible heat! Traditions Buckstalker XT at 50 yards today. That big glob of a fiber optic sight really limits any true target shooting ability. 70gr Schuetzen 2fg, 385gr Hornady great plains bullets. I recovered 2 out of 3. 1st shot on a fully clean bore was out a...
  19. FrontierGander

    Muzzleloader Hunting Rule Evolution

    Muzzleloader, bow or crossbow only: Any sporting arm in which the charge and projectile(s) are loaded through the muzzle. Only blackpowder, Pyrodex or equivalent blackpowder substitute may be used. Use of smokeless powder is prohibited. Only iron sights are allowed on muzzle-loading rifles when...