I purchased a MR Pintler on here a while back. I lost some pounds and need a smaller size belt and torso piece. I think it’s too tall for me. It is like new condition. Honestly I don’t think it has ever seen a mountain/field. It is olive green.
Ok guys.. Odd question, but maybe you all can help.
I have a bit sensitive skin. I cannot wear any "white" deodorants as over time I break out and burns. I always use a "colored" stick. When whitetail hunting I can only wear the "scent free" stuff for a little bit, then have to wash off...
I would be interested for my 11 year old daughter. I would love to try and get her into the hunting. If it doesnt work out with her, I will just put it back on this thread.
I have used warm water and fabric softener in a spray bottle in the past. Still have to use some elbow grease and and scrapper. Whole house was wallpapered! Buy lots of drywall compound!
Yep, I remember going through this last year around this time. Most stores around here sold out last year and never replenished their stock. I picked up Savage bolt 12 & 20 gauge shot gun for around $100.
Hey all I’m looking to for a good used truck. I don’t want to spend a bunch15-20k. My truck is my daily driver to work, hunt, pull tractor, hauling etc. Question I have is, would it be worth getting an older truck ‘08-10 with low miles or a newer truck ‘14-15 with high miles? My truck now is...
I normally don't do these kinds of things, but I am trying to help my Mother-in-law out the best I can. She has always been there for my wife and kids, and now she needs our help. I started a GoFund me page to help out with her bills, as her dog and husband, just passed away last week within...