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  1. M

    Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

    No not really. I dont care if you think like I do. Just care that we spend our time and energy attacking the anti movement, and not attacking ourselves for them
  2. M

    Expo Tags - results

    Assuming we hold the odds steady at the .043%, odds of drawing twice would be: (.00043^2)*.99957= .00000018482 = .000018% chance of occurrence or about 1 in 5.4 million Do with that what you will. Maybe these people are just that lucky. And maybe I really am a fairy princess.
  3. M

    Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

    And this. This is why we are going to keep getting our asses kicked by anti's. Because we would rather spend time and effort bashing each other than actually having a productive conversation or trying to make anything better. Lucky for us the Roosevelt generation didnt have this attitude. Too...
  4. M

    Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

    Know what I would love? All Western states form a coalition. To hunt the coalition you have to participate. That means you either donate time, money, or both to conservation. Let the people who want to complain and moan and do nothing do it from the outside. Think of it like the Utah Dedicated...
  5. M

    Expo Tags - results

    Oh good lord, did he draw one of these? And a Hush guy? Forgive me, Im not up to date on my hunting community gossip.
  6. M

    24 AZ Elk Draw

    Skunked again. If you always expect the worst, you will rarely be disappointed.
  7. M

    The Shoot2hunt Podcast

    Prove You could do a Ledoux cover single and sell it on here. Donate proceeds to MDF. Ill pledge the first $100
  8. M

    Idaho NR Draw Bill… thoughts?

    I think it is better than the current system, but I dont like that it is a legislative initiative. We have to stop this crap. This is how we get wolves in CO, by doing one thing we agree with and then that precedent comes back to dry hump us.
  9. M

    Mtn Lion Ban Filed in Colorado

    Done. I hope they choke on this.
  10. M

    Wyo Special Apps are down in #’s

    Im not sure why we talk about elk tag prices in a vacuum. The price of everything has gone up. Look at inflation. A gallon of gas used to be $2. Now its $4. Elk tags used to be half the price. Now they are not. Its the economy.
  11. M

    Wyo Special Apps are down in #’s

    Now, now children. I really wish I could read actual conversations without the keyboard hero nonsense. But thats a waste of wishes. As for actual discussion. This WY change is just the latest in a trend that has been talked about some, but accelerated lately. Game and fish departments have...
  12. M

    Hunt Raffle Impacts

    extremely limited resource (sheep tags) needs a lot of funding, and the people involved cant afford to pay the cost if it is only paid by people who get the tags. Raffle seems like the most fair system I can think of to bring in the money we need without just sending all the tags to auction/high...
  13. M

    Vote for who has the best pack in 2023.

    Agree totally on this. Just passing along my saga to try and save someone else the same pain
  14. M

    Vote for who has the best pack in 2023.

    Ummm.... I spent more that that on them so far. Granted, the majority of that money I recouped when I would sell one and buy another. Thats why I tried to give direct comparison info where I could. But it is doable, especially if you are annoyed enough.
  15. M

    Sidearm or Not?

    Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Occupies a similar place in my mind to a Garmin InReach. I was out a few years ago and had 3 black bears (sow with cubs) circling my camp and had only my bow, with my 8 year old in tow as it was getting dark. Tried all of the...
  16. M

    Vote for who has the best pack in 2023.

    Well, having personally dumped probably ~6-8k trying various packs... (some recouped by selling to try the next one) SG: Carries well, tight to body, light. Suffers a bit with heavy loads Kifaru: Could carry a rhino if you could. But floppy and too many straps/buckles make it heavy. Interested...
  17. M

    Private Pilot License advice and info

    Second this. Take the "practice" eval and fix what needs fixed. If you fail your official on first attempt you are in for a long expensive ride to get approved.
  18. M

    Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

    +1 For the i dont understand crowd. Nobody is forcing you to apply. And if you think WY is bad, look at the other western states. Same story. IMO, if you think it is robbery then dont do it.
  19. M

    Driving through Idaho

    Chain saw = standard equipment. And extra gas. And tools to tighten/replace chain. And a backup chain saw. Maybe also a second backup battery chainsaw. Also an InReach to call someone with a chainsaw.
  20. M

    Packing a foldable chassis rifle

    Thanks Mark. Super helpful to have the picture for the non spatially oriented among us