So it I’m reading this correctly, the antlers can not be checked as a extra pc of luggage like in the past?
We are going next yr and if this is the case I suppose we need to figure out how to get them home economically
Congrats, 15 or 16 years and counting for me lol. Hoping some day I will get lucky in the state we live in!
I’m not sure if you get on Michigan Sportsman forum or not, but there are few guys on there that guide, they have access and get guys on big bulls every season.
I have a 300 Mesa. I shot bunch of different factory ammo, the Barnes 180s shot best. Could put 5 shot group inside a quarter sized group at 100 yards.
Thanks for sharing the story, you did an amazing job keeping us wanting to keep reading more lol.
Congrats on a great hunt, you and and your buddy will have those memories for a lifetime.
Watch sites like camofire, euro optic, mountain archery and one shot for sales throughout the year. I have bought about the whole lineup in open county over past few years and never pd full price for any of it and most was 25-30% off
I agree with the others. I’ve went to eastern Wyoming 2 of the past 3 years. We were in a one point unit, can draw with zero in the special draw. Do your research on line and pick a unit with access and watch the roads your on. Not all roads are legal to drive on and they will ticket you...