Search results

  1. mrchomponthis

    WTB Kifaru Absaroka

    Really need one of these bags. Anyone out there trying to sell one?
  2. mrchomponthis

    WTB Kifaru Absaroka

    I'm looking to purchase a Kifaru Absaroka bag.
  3. mrchomponthis

    WTB Slik Sling V2.0

    I have everything besides the cradle if you're interested.
  4. mrchomponthis

    WTS Camp Chef Stryker backpacking stove

    I have a used but in great condition Camp Chef Stryker backpacking stove. Price: $60 OBO
  5. mrchomponthis

    Sold Lightly used Kifaru KU4300

    Price lowered.
  6. mrchomponthis

    Sold Lightly used Kifaru KU4300

    I have a lightly used Kifaru KU4300. $200
  7. mrchomponthis

    WTB Exo K4 belt pouches

    Looking to purchase two Exo K4 belt pouches.
  8. mrchomponthis


    Will you sell me some of those extra frame loops?
  9. mrchomponthis

    Sold Kifaru Sherman pocket

    I have a brand new Kifaru Sherman pocket in coyote I'm looking to sell. Price: $65
  10. mrchomponthis

    WTS Speargun for sale- MVD Roller 110cm

    The only thing I miss about living on the west coast is spearfishing and lobstering. Free bump for someone living in Billings that once spearfished.
  11. mrchomponthis

    Sold Kifaru KU 4300

    TTT make sure offers.
  12. mrchomponthis

    Sold Magview B1

    Make some offers