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  1. P

    CO cancels mountain lion season mid season.

    The anti’s are smart enough to know that they can’t do it all at once, so they are taking away our hunting rights one small piece at a time. You folks on here that are complaining it’s “too late”, don’t just roll over and die, stand up and fight for it or read the forum called a “nation of...
  2. P

    Do mule deer eat this plant?

    If you have an IPhone, you can take a picture of the plant type and then when you get back into service open up the pic and hit the little i that is circled with stars. It’ll tell you what kind of plant it is. It’s a very useful tool for identifying plant types that the critters are actively...
  3. P

    Sold Swaro 8x32 EL

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  4. P

    What do you do to save on spending $$

    We cut cable tv a few years back, my wife bought an antenna off of Amazon for $20 and it gives us about a dozen local channels. Then we’ll stream a few sports stations seasonally. That alone saves over $200/month. I typically do most of the home repairs and vehicle repairs that are within...
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    Most Important Episode of 2024?

    Robby and Travis I appreciate everything you guys are doing with the podcasts, from hunting big bucks to bringing major issues like this to the mic for everyone to hear. Thank you. Dan Gates, if you’re on Rokslide, Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you from all of us that never take...
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    My first Muley

  7. P

    Whats your name boy?

    I grew up on the Great Plains and was born in 79’. Pretty original huh?
  8. P

    Wyoming General Archery

    Fair enough. If possible take a long weekend and do some scouting, it’ll confirm or deny your suspicions.
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    Wyoming General Archery

    Historical herd numbers are declining every year. Roughly half of the state seen a major winter kill. Your assumption is correct, that typically during archery deer season hunting pressure isn’t as heavy as long as you aren’t in good elk country.
  10. P

    Question for the 301 Level Deer Hunters From a 201 Guy

    Although I don’t think I’m in the same class of hunters as you mentioned. These guys should be the professors instead of the students. I do fit your description. I primarily hunt OTC and 0-1 point units every year. Very rarely do I hunt anything that takes 2 or more points. Habitat-It’s no...
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    How Hunting has Changed

    @Travis Hobbs that’s a heartbreaking story about the family involved in the accident. Please know I will pray for everyone involved. 🙏
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    Antler restoration near Denver?

    You might want to give Colorado Creations in Longmont a try. They do quality work.
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    Nice buck man!
  14. P

    Christensen Arms Issue or Scope Issue

    If you cleaned the barrel before shooting, did you shoot a couple “foul rounds” before going out to 400 or did you shoot the clean barrel at 400? I know my Ridgeline shoots a bit different right after I clean it. Just a thought..
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    Biggest Buck to Date

    Good buck! Congratulations!
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    First Time Mule Deer Hunt - DIY West River South Dakota

    The weather in SD in November can be beautiful or brutal. I’d definitely have a backup plan for cold and snow. Have fun and be safe.
  17. P

    WTS Maven B.5 18x56

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  18. P


    Great buck! Anthony and his crew are the real deal!
  19. P

    Dimensions of a mature buck track?

    This was a track from an area I hunted last year. That’s a 6.5 prc with a coal of 2.95. Definitely another mature buck. I killed a buck on this hunt, in the same general area that lab aged at 5 years old. Tracks don’t lie!!