Search results

  1. J

    WTS 6.5 x 8mm Remington Model 700 - bull barrel, timney trigger, bedded stock, brass

    Mostly out of pure curiosity, is 6.5-8mm Rem the same as what some may call 6.5 STW?
  2. J

    Garmin Xero C1 Pro - any deals?

    Combine it with the random 10% off for card holders Bass Pro/Cabela’s has been doing on Mondays.
  3. J

    Garmin Xero C1 Pro - any deals?

    Your local brick-and-mortar Garmin dealer outdoor sports store! That worked best for me!
  4. J

    Tapatalk App Issues

    Al Gore invented Tapatalk. Got it. Thanks, guys. Sent from a Steve Jobs product using a Bill Gates product
  5. J

    Tapatalk App Issues

    Does the Tapatalk app cause issues with your phone? Makes your phone hot? App crashes? Is there a fix for this? Or an alternative app? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. J

    WTS Black Ovis and First Lite Merino Tops

    Both long sleeve?
  7. J

    Sold Scarpa Charmoz Size 43

  8. J

    Asolo fugitive temperature range

    Same as any other GoreTex boot in my experience. I used the Fugitive for several years. My feet sweat and I dislike GoreTex, but there aren't many options without GoreTex.
  9. J

    Sold Scarpa Charmoz Size 43

    Scarpa Charmoz, Size 43, US 10 $70 TYD ConUS PayPal or Venmo I bought these from another Rokslide user a while back. Just not quite the right fit for me. Prior owner said they had 15-20 miles on them, and I've put another 6 miles on them.
  10. J

    MEAT yor maker sale

    More bigger = more better Might be over kill, but bigger motor stays cooler and keeps the meat cooler as it goes thru. At least that’s my thought. That’s a good deal.
  11. J

    Sold Kuiu Kenai Pant Ash Medium

    I’ll take ‘em. PM incoming.
  12. J

    How do you delete threads and posts?

    Thanks. I don’t have the three dots down there, but I do have an edit button for the content of the post. I did find the three dots at the top of threads I created, which seems to allow editing the thread title and changing the prefix in the classifieds. It’s just inconsistent with the...
  13. J

    How do you delete threads and posts?

    Maybe instead of this bullshit, somebody could just clearly explain how to delete a thread, or lock it, or change the prefix, since that was the original question and I’ve read this thread and still can’t figure it out 2.5 years later.
  14. J

    Iron Will Snyder Core System - Honest Reviews

    Thanks. I killed a moose with Snyder Core system 13 months ago. Ha ha. S135, 50 gr HIT, and 15 gr collars hot melt into .300 spine X-impact shafts.
  15. J

    Bowtech Carbon Knight

  16. J

    Tight Spot Quiver Quaestion

    I never got along with that cheesy piece of rubber Tight Spot puts in there. I've replaced the rubber with a piece of foam. A piece from packaging or a couple layers from dollar store flip flops works well.
  17. J


    Maybe the thread could be locked.
  18. J

    Iron Will Broadheads - July Giveaway 2023 - Closed

    S135, Colorado, Wyoming, Texas
  19. J

    Weston 8000 arrow saw on camofire

    Anybody have one of these? How terrible are they? Camofire gives you a 10 day warranty, minus shipping time?
  20. J

    Huskemaw or vx5 for long range

    Can somebody compare the eye relief and eye box between the two scopes?