saw a six pack trip out of SD mentioned. would highly recommend that. later the summer the better. It really can be a downright amazing trip and a lot of time its not huge boat ride to get there. Tons of accommodations in SD and you can usually fly there fairly inexpensively.
all of the largely available reel manufactures will have a reel that fits your need and budget. Shimano or Daiwa probably have the largest range of available reels... that being said for the casting rod i like the Daiwa Lexa with the 7:1 gear ratio. If you are throwing spinner baits and other...
it depends on if you are filming as part of a business enterprise. you cannot film commercially on most public land. With youtube and such I am sure that line gets blurry fast.
And I love using "horns" just to see how many people chime in and say it should be "antler." The funniest part about it is it is usually someone who butchers the rest of the English language... but he knows it should be an antler.
i am a big fan of kona. been to most of the touristy places on a few of the islands. I love Maui too but Kona is more low key and usually less expensive. Also been to Kauai a couple times and I would not spend more than a couple days there.
always been a ford guy and could not disagree with any more. i drive my trucks hard, beet the hell out of them and they hold up great. I really have no clue where you are coming from on this one.
yawn.... the entire idea of "hunting celebs" is bizarre to me. the entire industry of filming and airing hunting as entertainment feels like a bunch of snuff flicks. I truly think it is bizarre.
i guess its all side hilling for you now. serious note. yah BarCO had it right. A good physical therapist and some good shoes with quality midsoles will help.