We hunted 10/3-9. The guides said the storm pushed the moose into the timber which it did seem like early on in the hunt. Wednesday my buddy and another hunter from PA shot bulls with the PA hunter killing a 44 1/2" bull. Thursday morning the other PA hunter tagged out. It seemed like the...
Sorry to hear this, in 2015 I had a similar bad experience with a drive in camp run by Bob Efforts. He's supposed to be one of the best, we called his references and they were all good. One reference did tell us Efforts sold the camp we were supposed to hunt out of (Efforts never told us this...
Sure, embarrassed to say I don't know how to post pics. Me and a bud hunted with Rock Camp Outfitters, Parsons Pond NL. We flew out of Peter Strides, camp was 18 miles from Peter Strides. Landed on Sunday and hunted on Monday. I had a moose tag and the only caribou tag allotted to the...
I hunted the Mathers Ranch in 2010, it was loaded with deer. Located on the 6 or 7 road I believe. I stalked up a 30" deer and he was one field over on another ranch. Guys from Wisconsin shot up the forks and 3 points pretty good. I saw a bunch of camps on BLM that had some nice deer...