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  1. oldgoat

    100 Years ago

    There's considerably more game now, at least in the lower 48
  2. oldgoat

    100 Years ago

    For anybody that hasn't read "Hunting With a Bow and Arrow" they should, especially the hunting story chapters, the chapters on building equipment were a little dry but still very eye opening to know how they did what they did and what they did it with!
  3. oldgoat

    Attrition rate of newby traditional archers

    If you take the time and effort to develop proper form, you don't have to practice every day! If you're a short drawing snap shooter, then yeah, you better be out there every day and get close to the target!
  4. oldgoat

    Diving Into Trad Bowhunting. No more suction cup arrows. Wisdom and Stories appreciated.

    If you haven't already, check out Clay Hayes on YouTube, that's about all the self-bow wisdom I can pass on to you. As mentioned, coaching pays great dividends, and I don't care how heavy of compound you shot, you are going to want to start out with a lot lot lot lighter bow and I feel like it...
  5. oldgoat

    Convince me to go all-in… or just try it out?

    Other thing, is buy used, especially the riser, I see Satori and WF risers for sale all the time, put the money you save into some lessons, it does make a huge difference!
  6. oldgoat

    Attrition rate of newby traditional archers

    I don't get how you could think there's more tinkering and upkeep, and as far as rain, I just treat my feathers with Rust-Oleum Never Wet Fabric treatment, rain don't bother me as much with trad as it did with compound and all the hardware on the bow getting rusty, and I don't have to go to a...
  7. oldgoat

    Convince me to go all-in… or just try it out?

    I would suggest a quality riser and a cheap set of light limbs like the Galaxy Bronze, they can be had for under a hundred from rmsgear. You need to really dial in your form, hunting weight limbs are going to surprise you if you haven't tried pulling some back and do something other than...
  8. oldgoat

    Attrition rate of newby traditional archers

    This sums it up a lot for me too, we do have rmsgear locally though, so there's a wealth of knowledge to utilize so we probably have a higher percentage stick with it than other places, but I'm really not sure on that because we might have a higher percentage try it here for the same reason...
  9. oldgoat

    Cheap Arrows

    Yeah, I went to their sight and found the lengths and gpi, should of thought of that to begin with, duh! Thanks man, doubt I'll try them as I try to buy from rmsgear since they are my local shop and I can try before I buy to see if they tune, but I like learning what's out there! I have a 31"...
  10. oldgoat

    Cheap Arrows

    So I looked those up on alternative, but they don't say the total length or gpi, at least not that I could see or find
  11. oldgoat

    Bare shaft tuning a recurve

    If you try to do EFOC , you can't just add a bunch of weight up front to an arrow you are already using and expect it to work, you have to get a stiffer arrow and break down the spine with heavier tips or components till it's tuned, and since higher FOC increases the authority of the fletches...
  12. oldgoat

    USA Archery Instructor Certs

    I had my L1 at one time, it was worth it just for how much I learned about proper form etc, don't know if all the course instructors teaching L1 teach form but the guy I had did. I'm friends with Tom Clum and have listened to his stories about what it took to get the L4 and that's a WHOLE lot to...
  13. oldgoat

    THE Perfect hunting arrow

    I think it's critical for 3under shooting and pretty damn important for split finger especially if you don't run a really tight nock fit. Finger pressure is generally the nemesis for me when I'm getting porpoising of the arrow or for me anyways nock high with a bare shaft
  14. oldgoat

    Thumb ring for hunting

    I'd look for an old dual shelf fiberglass bow, they can be found for pretty cheap, because I think your are really going to want to shoot off the right side of the bow
  15. oldgoat

    Bare shaft tuning a recurve

    How are you determining that it's weak or stiff?
  16. oldgoat

    Toelke Whip Grips

    Stay away from the 10x it's primarily more of a high wrist target grip, I'd say you're probably on the mark for the classic, I prefer the standard myself, talk to Dan or Jered about it, they are the Subject Matter Experts!
  17. oldgoat

    Strike Plate and Arrow Rest

    Yeah, in that boat too, except for my Toelke's, then I use beaver tail, beaver tail wears like iron!
  18. oldgoat

    Hunting Quiver

    Not well I'm my opinion! I've had occasions in both situations you mentioned where I couldn't get a second shot off without a great deal more movement versus a bow quiver!
  19. oldgoat

    Precision Tuning for the Diehard Bowhunter -The Push

    Yeah, I'm fortunate enough to have rmsgear as my local shop, I learned how to tune for free hanging out shooting the shit in the shop, if you can keep your head down and watch your arrow fly you can tune your arrows, or have somebody watch them for you or now days, video them. Will say my micro...
  20. oldgoat

    Precision Tuning for the Diehard Bowhunter -The Push

    Hopefully they take it from "tuning for dummies" to "precision tuning for advanced archers" because I see soooo many posts from guys trying advanced tuning procedures with beginner improper form and struggling!