Search results

  1. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Hopefully you guys get some sunshine soon. Also waiting for the first bear of the season to be posted to give us some hope.
  2. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    I'm assuming it's worse the further east you go into the mountains?
  3. David Gough

    Evening shots

    A buddy shot a bear within the last twenty minutes of shooting light during the California archery season last year. I wasn't there to witness the shot, but there was no death moan. Once I met up with him we tracked the bear without any blood and started grid searching in the dark after we...
  4. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Agreed. We have more snow and water than we know what to do with on the east side of the Sierra's. Lakes are full, the marshes are full, and water will is starting to be dumped into the middle of the desert to avoid flooding. Should be a good duck season though...
  5. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    May be hunting off the highways until June
  6. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Idaho mountains are no joke. Good luck next year!
  7. David Gough

    Who else is ready?

    California has lots of those and tags are OTC
  8. David Gough

    Who else is ready?

    As a tax CPA, dreaming of spotting that first bear in May is definitely helping me get through the deadlines...
  9. David Gough

    2022 California Bear

    Great bear, great bloodtrail!
  10. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Will help any drought fears, but winter killed wildlife will go up. Winter weakens and spring kills.
  11. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Don't need all the snow gone, but wouldnt mind the snow line being at 6,000' or higher when we head in. Will have to keep tabs on the snotel reports.
  12. David Gough

    2022 Bear Success Thread

    Get up to the snow line and be patient.
  13. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Heading back to central Idaho this year for spring bear. Without giving away the unit, the snotel map SWE for the area is 102-128% above the median and significantly above last year. We hiked in May 8th last year and felt it was a little early. With the additional snowpack I'm trying to time...
  14. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    I've only hunted 33 once, but it's quite steep. Haven't hunted the other units.
  15. David Gough

    Duck hunt for the books

    Awesome! Congratulations. Starting them young.
  16. David Gough

    California water fowl

    Seems like feast or famine. Just saw Yolo was closed due to flooding.
  17. David Gough

    First CA Black bear

    Most of mine gets turned into burger and the rest is used for stir fry. Never attempted to grill bear meat.
  18. David Gough

    First CA Black bear

    "You can also kill any trichinae parasite by heat. And the “kill temperature” is a helluva lot cooler than you might think. The origin of the odd USDA mandated internal cooking temperature of 160°F appears to be the government trying to account for inaccuracy and idiocy. (That temperature is...
  19. David Gough

    Yolo Bypass

    Thank you
  20. David Gough

    Yolo Bypass

    Thanks for your insight! I really appreciate it.