Boss 2.75" #5s or 4s. Find the factory choke it patterns best with and you won't look back.
I moved to a 28 gauge last season and now the 20 gauge is my backup gun.
I've started a brokerage account exclusively for a big hunting expenditure down the road. Some in money market funds, some in low cost index funds. Whether it's a dall hunt or a duck club membership I want to be able to pay for it outside our operating funds. A little money every month goes a...
Good luck! Not really any other pictures that are great. They stopped hitting the meadow. The big pond dries up in July every year. We have cameras on a spring bear the meadow and the bears ****** with them instantly. That’s where the big boar ripped a camera in half. My camera was moved three...
Bears are soft, but there are a couple caveats:
Their bones seems to be more stout than other game. I don't think I would risk a front shoulder shot.
The lungs are smaller. Aim small miss small.
They don't bleed much. A bullet that will wreck havoc in the body cavity and have the largest...
Archery season starts in thirteen days, so lets get this thread started. My hunting partner and I set cameras in late May and both had our firstborns come into our lives within a week. After surviving the newborn stage we checked cameras yesterday and the bears....aren't a big fan of our trail...